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Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:36 pm
by Blaise
Hail UOSA,
This will be the first, unscheduled and completely random event hosted by Adventure Time. The only objective in this event is to loot whatever you care to, and make it home safe.
I will not be attacking anyone and will be on hand to ban the unsavory. I will also be dispelling gates for the greedy who want to just gate hop piles of stuff out.

There's a slew of barrel parts from a friend who quit, random magic and GM weapons and armor on every floor. Scrolls, runebooks, reagents, runes, potions and kegs.
Come one, come all, get it while it lasts. There's also semi-rares choking up space in one area.

This is really sort of a house-unwarming party as I will be moving from this home soon. If you feel like paying a grip of gold, feel free to extend an offer. Just don't be offended if I refuse.

If you're already rocking vanqs and pretty sandals, this is probably a pretty boring party for you. If you've got some new players to bring in, please do so as I encourage this stuff go to those in need, not just the greedy.

Hah, almost forgot the address. Wander north of Minoc to the player town of Ascalon and follow the eastern water line until you reach the Twin Keeps.
The keep on the right is empty, Blaise's Keep is full of lewts and hopefully people soon. Party through it!
Happy Saturday and have fun!!!!

Re: Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:26 pm
by Blaise

And there was much rejoicing!!!
Thanks everyone who came by for the fun, even Santorum who tried to gate trap my son in the back room and got banned. You didn't ahve to go aggro and kill us, but that's the fun of UO.

As long as we had it, we all win. :)

Re: Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:34 pm
by a_llama
Now to ID all this crap and see if its worth a damn. And thanks for the fun. I snagged enough paintings to cover 5 castle walls

Re: Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:49 pm
by Blaise
Ahh, I was wondering who would find my neatly organized painting container first. :)
If you got the axes from the silver chests, probably vanq :)
Otherwise, most is low-mid stuff.

Re: Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:54 pm
by a_llama
got one vanq ax and a bag of power axes from a diff room. Didnt snag anything to right home about but was a fun time. Wish I was the first person into the lower south west room tho.

Re: Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:07 pm
by Blaise
Sadly, the first person in the SW corner room was, from what I can tell, someone I had friended who subsequently exploited the floor bump trick to loot my keep for most high end things.
That's what happens when you go on hiatus I guess. Easy come, easy go. ;)

Re: Adventure Time: Open House, bring all your noobs 4/14/12

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:02 pm
by Blaise
I think the clear winner here was Pied Piper who went systematic once on site and probably burned 100 recall reagents in his work.

Good times everyone, thanks for coming!