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Tales of a bazooka, Part 15: Death of Demeter

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:05 pm
by the bazookas
If you are new to the Tales of a bazooka, I recommend that you check out our former tales through the table of contents here.

The bazookas watched the advent of Demeter and Co. with great interest. We were pleased to find out that in fact she was attempting to protect the land of Britannia from the human scourge, and also pleased to see the amount of humans that she took out of this world before meeting her untimely end.

After a devastating battle to secure the front of the castle and gain entrance, Dupre confronted Demeter.


After the tentacle king was summoned, it didn't take long for the castle to look like this (note how he handily ate energy vortexes... he also had 1-shot killing firebreath ;) ):


While / after the Tentacle King was defeated, Demeter herself wrought Havoc upon the invading humans. Eventually, however,she succumbed to the human zerging assault, much to the bazookas' sadness (although this close-quarters combat was pretty awesome in that a human died to her lethal attacks about every second).


Things settled down a bit after Demeter's defeat. However, our bardic ally relayed to the bazookas that there were apparently many people very interested in obtaining Demeter's Lantern (hoping that it would suddenly become pick-up-able). So interested, in fact, that they decided to hole themselves up in a small turret of the castle, precisely the size of our explosive's blast radius. After radioing this information to the bazookas, arrangements were made for our bardic ally to deliver the special package to the tower.


As a final note, I must say that Demeter has great taste in literature. I couldn't help but steal her copy from the bookshelf... I can make copies for anyone who is interested (for a nominal fee)

For those who did not see the book with the clues in the bookcase, here is the contents:


Our bardic ally was interested in the loot, but was unable to find the entrances pointed to by the book (he found it very difficult to teleport around with all the trees)... Of course, he was busy with other things too :D

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 15: Death of Demeter

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:39 pm
by Jupiter
the bazookas wrote:Our bardic ally was interested in the loot ...

I declare that the Bazookas assimilate their 'bardic' ally immediately and give him a robot name like HYPNO BEAM or CYBRAPHON.

I know that making the change will no doubt have temporary memory-wiping effect, but seriously, how hard would it be to train the new drone back up?

I will personally donate 15k for skill building if you will assimilate this bardic ally of yours already! a big sTinker just doesn't fit in with the automaton's amazing and well-established image.

Although I still maintain my efforts to try and diffuse the automatons, it is clear to me that they are not inherently evil; no more so than a stick of dynamite is in itself evil - it is only as evil as the person who wields it. It is my most desperate hope that as these automatons continue their rapid growth in artificial intelligence... they will begin to explore the realm of the abstract beyond strict logical lines of code, and perhaps, just maybe begin to comprehend concepts such as charity, forgiveness, and yes evil. Perhaps they will realize that not all men are evil, and despite all their faults, the race of man is the world's best defense against true evil.

- Jupiter

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 15: Death of Demeter

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:26 pm
by the bazookas
Jupiter wrote:I declare that the Bazookas assimilate their 'bardic' ally immediately and give him a robot name like HYPNO BEAM or CYBRAPHON.

I know that making the change will no doubt have temporary memory-wiping effect, but seriously, how hard would it be to train the new drone back up?
The bazookas are equal opportunity employers and do not discriminate against stinkers ;). But yes, perhaps some day we will consider blowing up a big stinker and replacing him with a better model :). The current optimal solution, however, is to continue his employment with us.
Jupiter wrote:Although I still maintain my efforts to try and diffuse the automatons, it is clear to me that they are not inherently evil; no more so than a stick of dynamite is in itself evil - it is only as evil as the person who wields it. It is my most desperate hope that as these automatons continue their rapid growth in artificial intelligence... they will begin to explore the realm of the abstract beyond strict logical lines of code, and perhaps, just maybe begin to comprehend concepts such as charity, forgiveness, and yes evil. Perhaps they will realize that not all men are evil, and despite all their faults, the race of man is the world's best defense against true evil.
An interesting suggestion. We enjoy exploring different facets of existence, human emotion, and human thought. However, for the bazookas (due to Lord British's careful programming), protecting Britannia is the greatest "good", and threats to Britannia are the greatest "evil"... and we have determined that the greatest threat to Britannia is the human race: it is no secret that their wanton exploitation of the land, resources, and denizens of the world is unmatched, even by the Undead. Demeter understood, and was a beacon of hope in restoring a balanced state to Britannia that would be most sustainable over the years. Unfortunately, she was wiped out :(. Do not fear, however! The bazookas are still on the job! We hope Lord British is pleased with our work.

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 15: Death of Demeter

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:25 am
by [Uhh] Eo
I like this story because I am in all the pictures the end.

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 15: Death of Demeter

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:17 pm
by Sexy Smithy
i always enjoy ur tales :)