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What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:42 pm
by Foxhound3857
Note that when I say solo, I mean efficiently, not at all. Stuff that doesn't take 5 minutes of smacking to bring down.

I'm asking because I'm starting to play my old character against, who is a Dexer that I GM'd across the board a long time ago (except Resist and Heal, which I'm still working on). While I used all his money to fund my mage, I've got enough equipment and provisions to do a lot of adventuring, and I'm wondering what I could fight besides earth/air eles that would be both profitable and challenging, in terms of both monster stats and risk of PK's.

My build: GM Swords/Tactics/Anat/Parry, 80 resists/heal, 30 magery, 70 hiding.

I'll just run down the list of some possible monsters.

Ogre Lords.
Stone Gargoyles.
Stone Harpies.
Lich Lords.
Blood Elementals.

No, I don't expect to be able to take Balrons or Wyrms, but I'm looking for something challenging as a Dexer that won't take forever and a day to kill with my +20 Power Broadsword.

Thanks guys.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:34 pm
by Pirul
I rutinely took on Deamons. Did carry a better weapon and top of the line armor. Lich Lords are quite a breeze if you have an above average silver wep (at least Silver +10 vanq or similar), and you lure the regular lich out to the hallway so it's not double teaming you. I never did try soloing Elder Gazers or Blood Elementals, but I'd assume they could also be quite doable. Drakes are not a big challenge, but Dragons are not recomended as they hit quite hard and have a VERY large mana pool combined with a knack to cast back to back flamestrikes. Cyclops, Titans and Ogre Lords I do not recomend as they will chew through your armor like a hot knife through butter.

It also helped me to have parry as these are monsters that don't poison as regularly as others, so you only need to drop your shield for the emergency yellow potion here or there.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:42 pm
by Foxhound3857
Pirul wrote:I rutinely took on Deamons. Did carry a better weapon and top of the line armor. Lich Lords are quite a breeze if you have an above average silver wep (at least Silver +10 vanq or similar), and you lure the regular lich out to the hallway so it's not double teaming you. I never did try soloing Elder Gazers or Blood Elementals, but I'd assume they could also be quite doable. Drakes are not a big challenge, but Dragons are not recomended as they hit quite hard and have a VERY large mana pool combined with a knack to cast back to back flamestrikes. Cyclops, Titans and Ogre Lords I do not recomend as they will chew through your armor like a hot knife through butter.

It also helped me to have parry as these are monsters that don't poison as regularly as others, so you only need to drop your shield for the emergency yellow potion here or there.
Lich Lords are on my mind as a good silver weapon could probably bring one down easily. I forget which dungeon they're at, deceit?

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:18 pm
by Pirul
Deceit is right.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:44 am
by Mikel123
Elder gazers should be easier than Daemons. They have surprisingly low HP for the gold you get. But, you need to do some prep work, like dragging away the two gazers that spawn near the elders. Having all 3 pop on you at once is a recipe for disaster. Even with the elder alone, it might be good to have an item of magic reflect, just in case you get into a precarious life situation.

Most of the other big guys mentioned - blood elementals, balrons, daemons, dragons, etc., are doable, but just have a ton of HPs and it takes a long time to kill each one.

Really though, nothing can beat the rate you can earn gold from killing liches and lich lords with a silver weapon.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:30 pm
by Mikanele
Do you need parry for ll

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:17 pm
by AlexCCCP
I've solod blood eles on my swordsman. Some running around required cause they can nuke pretty hard. Daemons, dragons can be solod pretty much anything. Ogre Lords can be tough you need super armour and parry but they ruin it fast. Lich Lords are relatively easy with a good silver wep, parry not very important because they don't do as much melee as, say a dragon.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:29 pm
by jimm1432
As a dexer I have personally taken down EVERYTHING but anceint wyrns / balrons. LL need a silver wep, dragons/WW just need time.

There are a few things you need to kill anything. 1.resist to stop alot of poison 2.magery to cure/heal or you'll be running away alot to heal off poison. 3.parry.

Anything can be killed but the anceint wryms will 2 shot you, even with parry! and just not worth trying. balrons can be damaged but again take too long to be a viable kill and will most likey heal off you damage each time your rehealing.

If you want a fun PvM monster go for deamons or dragons. deamons are easy with parry and dragons are very satisfying kills.(very roleplay if your into that)

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:18 am
by chainsoar
I plan to solo dragons on one of my savages when he's done. He will have zero magery, probably no mount and just to add an extra touch of zest, will probably be red.

Once the beast is dead I will probably be forced to solo kill every other player in the entire dungeon as a victory run.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:05 am
by jimm1432
dragons dont need parry, they hit hard but slow. if your going savage get a spear, dragons hate getting whaked with a spear! para blow and step back when needed.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:40 am
by Pirul
There is no para blow on this shard. That was a later era.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:26 pm
by Arienne
A very late reply!

Allow me to give my experience.

Using GM heavy dexer armor (plate arms, gorget, ring gloves) and NO parry, I can take on daemons quite easily.

You need to get the big spells out of their system from the get-go. Double-click the snot out of them. They will mana dump. Heal and yellow pot yourself or cast gheal accordingly (if you got some magery -- recommended!).

Elder gazers are awesome money and they are a breeze. They will nuke you, hard and fast, but if you stand back and heal/heal pot and take it, they're a pussycat once their mana is low.

Drakes are OK without parry. Their fireball sucks when they're full health. Keep your HP above 50 by kiting them around while you heal and you'll be fine. If you do have parry (and you do), then they're a cake walk. The name of the game with non-magical creatures is HP and stamina management.

Dragons are a different story. There are plenty of veterans who will tell you that GM parry and good armor takes the vitriol out of dragonkin. I cannot say as much as I lack good armor and parry. Dragons hit hard, fast, and their magery is nasty. You can kite them and drain their mana, if you like, but they will still beat on you.

But do not fret, amigo. Dragons were put into the game not to be out of your reach, but to encourage comraderie. Get yourself another dexer and cross-heal (it's about twice as fast as regular healing). I know you said to *solo* something, but I just don't consider dragons to be a profitable venture for soloing. They take a long time and the risk is high (where there be dragons, their be copious PKs).

The name of the game in UO, as we all know, is teamwork. Make friends with a bard. You make a great resevoir for damaging monsters. Bards like dexers because we can mop up the lesser spawn quickly and we can kite the big scary mobs while they provoke them on each other.

My template is much weaker than yours in PvM, but I can personally attest that the only mobs out of your reach are the following:
Ancient Wyrm: fuggetaboutitever.

Balron: Not worth the time and effort. You will probably be PK'd within the first half hour, and before it is half health. Do not attempt alone.

Terathan/Ophidian avenger: They're doable, on a technical level, but the expense of gcure pots is just too much.

White Wyrms: You can kill a white wyrm in very good armor, and they're not really that much worse than a dragon in stat, but they're very, very fast, and the ice dungeon is not an environment that encourages long chases while healing. Not worth it.

Ogre Lords: Ogre lords are rather solo'able. The question is WHY? Christ almighty, they wreck your armor and you don't get much in return. If you want ogre lords, buy some blade spirits scrolls and get some more magery. They're quite profitable then.

Titans: Like the ogre lords, they are solo'able. But they are a pain in the ass. They can kill you fast with their magery (If you think they're bad now, try them in later eras when their magery AI was beast. fuggetaboutit). These guys are cherry with a bard friend, though.

Cyclops and the stone critters are easy solo without parry and cake with parry.

I have not successfully solo'd a blood elemental yet. My spell resistence is too low. They rape me like a nubile boyscout.

My template is not PvM friendly, but all other monsters are fine and dandy solo.

100 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Healing
100 Archery (currently 85)
100 Resist (currently 67)
50 magery (currently 60)
50 hiding (currently 80ish)

If I can do it.... You'll be fine. Welcome to T2A. If you see "Ari" in game, I will be more than happy to help you.

Consider me the welcome wagon :)

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:02 am
by jimm1432
the above post is near perfect but to solo ANYTHING easly on this server is cast a EV on your target first, nothing cant dispel them here thus making it a one spell wonder for everything bar anicent wyrms, you'll need two...

a dexxer with 50 int and 60 magery and some scrolls could then kill anything aslong as you can get the EV dispelled afterwards.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:32 pm
by FishinPro
jimm1432 wrote:the above post is near perfect but to solo ANYTHING easly on this server is cast a EV on your target first, nothing cant dispel them here...
Obviously jimm here is a moron who knows nothing about this shard as this is the second post in this topic that is COMPLETELY wrong. I would just skip his posts and never read them as they will just confuse you.

Re: What are the strongest monsters a Dexer can solo?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:42 pm
by jimm1432
how is it confusing? i am just stating that EVs kill everything here, nothing to do with dexxers. you tell me what mob dispels EV/blades here? i have yet to see a mob do it.

with EV scrolls and 60 magery u could kill i wrong?

and BTW search.php?author_id=11108&sr=posts look at your posts....15 post of trolling 2 posts that arn't, clearly your the moron.