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Lost in the world...

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:41 pm
by Casius
It has been a fortnight since moving out of my family's home and into my own small abode. Having trained for a life of adventure since I was able to walk I am ready for anything. The only problem I have is I know not which direction the winds will take me. Uncertain but optimistic I sit down and order a drink at The Crossroads Tavern, hoping adventure may find me

(Looking to join some sort of RP guild, not sure which or what is out there. Any guilds recruiting?)

Re: Lost in the world...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:55 am
by Casius
"Slow night..." I mutter as I take a look around at the other patrons. They all seem to be enjoying their drinks in solitude or amongst small groups whispering. Its so quiet I can here my own heartbeat.

"lets change that" I pull out a worn lute and start strumming away, clearly having no idea how to play the instrument. A vile screeching noise comes forth. Picking my head up, I check to see if anyone has noticed

Re: Lost in the world...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:56 am
by Jupiter
"tavern keep, a pitcher of milk please. And don't tell me you're out for we both know very well that I'm your only patron with a taste for it."

jupiter lays a hand on the harp and lowers it down

"I'm not sure where you're from good sir, but attracting attention like that could get a man killed."
a bag of scrolls is dropped on the counter while jupiter sips his milk

"the name's jupiter by the way" I mutter between sips. "many travelers have often come through these doors seeking the same tune you were just playing. I myself am often gone for long periods of time seeking scrolls to increase my ability. If I see you in cities of britania I should certainly like to travel with you"

Re: Lost in the world...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:58 pm
by Casius
Putting away the lute I look up at the bearded man before me. I take a quick glance at the bag of scrolls and then back at Jupiter.

"I was unaware this tavern was such a dangerous place... I go by Casius, Casius Helmsmith. Well met, your next pitcher is on me. You see I am celebrating a great occasion, please join me."

I motion over to the barkeep for another ale. Pay the man and take a sip.

"I recently have moved into my own home, on the southeast corner near Vesper's graveyard, on the road into town. It is small, but it is mine."