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Rejuvenation and Jupiter's new sport

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:04 am
by Jupiter
“Hrrrrmmmm,” he let out a thoughtful sigh as he slid the last manuscript back into place. Jupiter had rearranged the scrolls in the Mage Tower archives forwards and backwards ten times this week hoping that perhaps he had overlooked something. Growing weary of searching in the usual places for lost scrolls, he decided that perhaps looking in some less conspicuous venues might provide some rejuvenation to his spirits and determination.

He resorted again to the Uhhhh Arena Tower to see what the citizens were up to. As expected there was a myriad of halberd wielding combatants participating in the good-natured bouts. Looking at his staff, he was sure he posed no chance of success against such highly trained warriors. Tentatively, he suggested an alternative for the staple, Halberd-in-Head contest. “Who would like to participate in Daemon Summon Death Matches?”

The crowds stared at him in silence a moment… then one lone voice called out “make it an Energy Vortex Battle Royale and you can count me in!” Lambo of Blackthorne’s Chaos Vanguard was the first to step forward ready to experiment with Jupiter’s peculiar twist on the nation’s favorite pastime.

The first vortex was cast and within moments others joined in. Lost in the fray of the competitions, Jupiter’s mind quickly lost all interest in whatever it was he had been looking. He only wondered if the entire Uhhhh guild could provide enough summoning scrolls to provide for the demand in the near future. This was a good day to be a wizard in the lands of Sosaria.
