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Membership application - Raif

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:13 pm
by raifield
Character(s) Name(s): Raif, Monita

Preferred Play Style: Pretty much PvM, though so far I've largely been slaughtering deer and working up tailoring

Playing History: Started in UO way back, maybe 97. Certainly before any expansion packs were released. Played for a few years until UO:R. Been playing UOSA for a bit, just on some novelty characters.

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (NJ)

Usual Online Hours: Typically in the evening, though with a newborn my availability is somewhat chaotic. Much like a newborn. When I'm online I'm usually in the Moonglow forest, occasionally I hang around Minoc bank.

Have you read DG Guild Rules and do you accept these rules: Yes, I've read the Overview, the Ranks, and the Rules.

My main character is Raif, a hunter-esqe sort of character. When I started playing I was just messing around in Moonglow, killing deer and sewing crappy armor. I actually kept with it, getting each weapon skill up to 60 or so in the progress before sticking with a club and crossbow. I haven't done PvP, but my lack of magic and magic resist skills pretty much ensures I would not last long. Versus hinds and great harts I'm an absolute terror.

My other character, Monita, is just a joke character with Alchemy and Begging, the latter funding the former. Useless, but entertaining in small amounts.

I met Shena while I was in Minoc buying hides. I thought I was talking to myself, but then she popped into view. Talked for a bit and she recommended the guild.

Re: Membership application - Raif

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:21 pm
by Norris
We can get your characters up to speed and begging is underrated skill...

Join our guild chat on irc, #dg. We would also like for you to participate in some guild activities to see if its a good fit.

Congrats on baby!!
Baby's love UO btw...

Re: Membership application - Raif

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:48 am
by azheman