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Gaining stats quickly

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:03 pm
by Rykker
Does the method outlined below from the wiki still work and allow you to raise stats quickly? I tried it and it doesn't seem any faster than dropping one skill and raising another. I am trying to gain 100 INT quickly..

Gaining Stats
1.The quickest method requires that your character has maxed out all his skill points by hitting the skill cap of 700. This can be done quickly by either buying them all out by saying "vendor teach" and paying NPC's, or train in lots of different skills to fill up your 700pts quickly. Camping is an easy skill to level quickly.
2.After that make sure all the arrows are pointing up in the skills tab and make sure the following skills are at zero and arrows pointing up for the stat you require.
1.STR: Camping/Herding/Mining
2.DEX: Snooping/Musicianship/Camping
3.INT: Herding/Camping/Spirit Speak
After this simply set a macro for the appropriate skill on Razor and while you wont gain any skill because there are no points it can use, you will still make stat checks and gain the respective stat quickly.

Re: Gaining stats quickly

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:14 pm
by Pirul
INT is the slowest stat to raise. Some people swear by the see-saw method, I personally haven't seen a HUGE difference between that and just dropping one and raising the other skill.

For INT, since Spirit Speak has a 10 second delay, I'd record a macro that herds (or lights a campfire) 9 times with a 1.1s pause between herds, and a SS try at the end, then loop. If the delay is not enough, raise it to 1.15s and you should be golden.

Re: Gaining stats quickly

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:25 pm
by Rykker
Thanks Pirul. Good information as always.