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Hi all, another UOSA newbie here!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:02 pm
by pyrex
Hi all,

Just found out about this shard. Have only ever played on the OSI shards previously. Knew about these emulated shards, but they always looked weird with purple llamas and other abominations, so its certainly nice to find this place with what looks to be a very active community. Previously I played just before trammel and then afterwards, so I guess I missed alot of the glory days, but looking forward to having fun here!

I actually play off-peak I guess, as I am playing from Australia. Any other aussies about, or guilds that would cater to our timezone? (+10). Would love to meet some people as I feel like if I play as a lone wolf I am just going to burn out... This is the hardest part for me, I usually end up as a lonewolf who finds it somewhat hard to break into an established community - but anyways!

So... lets see if I can update my progress here.

Based on reading about the game and doing some forum hunting for a good week prior, I created 3 accounts.

Account 1; I have started macroing eval int. Its going to be a mage character of some sort, I am not sure what yet but I thought i'd macro up eval int first as it costs nothing. Just a bit of a headstart for later. This character may end up as my main.

Account 2; this will be a bard character for gold generation, as this seems to be the popular response on the forums on how to start out well. I initially macroed up herding a bit to give myself some stats. I think I am around 70/25/70 now and herding is near GM, so i will drop it down and macro it back again to cap the stats once I actually have money to hit the skill cap!

Anyway, after a stint doing the stats I moved onto music. I GM'd music pretty quickly and have now moved onto provo, which is at around 55 (started at 0). After being grief killed a few times i've moved to a good spot and hopefully can get a decent level of provo up! Hopefully in a day or 2 I can actually play this character?

Account 3; I created a character I could play whilst the others are macroing. This guy is a lumberjack/bowcrafter. I have made around 2-3k so far, nothing major but should be somewhat of a start I suppose. Not sure how much more lumberjacking I can do, its absolutely mind numbing. I got ganked a few times while lumberjacking. Nothing was taken, I suppose they werent interested in logs.

Would love to make a dexxer but no real cash to progress at this stage, so will put that on hold for now.

Anyway, will see you all in game!

Re: Hi all, another UOSA newbie here!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:39 pm
by Wulver
Hello pyrex.

I am playing from Korea but only really play for about an hour a day. I been macroing different characters all day for a week though. Maybe we can meet up sometime? What town did you start?

Re: Hi all, another UOSA newbie here!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:08 pm
by Pirul

Feel free to jump on IRC channel #C^V and #DG if you need any advice or help