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What is the pvp like?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:17 pm
by toxications
Hey guys, I'm interested in joining this server but I am curious what the pvp system is like. If you could answer a few questions for me that would be great:

1) Do you have to stand still to cast?
2) Can you precast spells?
3) Can you fizzle other peoples spells?

Thanks in advance!

Re: What is the pvp like?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:36 pm
by Soma
Hey, thanks for the interest, allow me to answer your questions:

1 - Yes, you cannot run and cast.
2 - Yes, precasting and holding spells is t2a
3 - I'm not sure if you can "fizzle" other peoples spells, but you can interrupt their spellcasting if you deal damage/debuffs to them during the cast.

Hope this helps.