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*solved* Guildstone problem

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:37 pm
by Groucho

i got a house for an alt, but it seems taht there is a problem with a guildstone from a guild that doesn't exist anymore. Someone told me that i could contact a GM to remove it from the house as it is somewhat bothering.

Already tried to contact Derrick but got no answer for now, so i wished to know in this case, if it is possible for any GM to contact me on the IRC as i am logged on it while gaming, these days.

Problems are many (impossible to place something else, kind of another house, place in the house....). And the guy that sold me the house seems to be connected on the forum but do not answer my messages.

One of the members seems to have a name that approach considerably the name of the seller. So that it could be the guild master as well (the link is made between the fact a guildstone is present in a house that he was selling and the approaching pseudo).

Thansk in advance for any help from a GM removing that stuff in one of my houses :).

Re: Guildstone problem

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:47 pm
by WiseOne
Try paging a GM from inside the game (you may need to wait a while).

Re: *solved* Guildstone problem

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:15 pm
by Groucho
many thanks for a great job, Derrick :mrgreen: