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pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:37 am
by Zinjadu
hi everyone. i have been playing for a little over a month. i started by making an miner/smith
money was good but i wanted to place a house to work from. so from reading many of the posts on the board here, i made a bard to raise money fast. and i did.. i have a nice place near the mountains north of brit. i play mostly alone, which is ok not complaining about that.
i like to do new things and the bard offers that style of play. so with that said. the main reason for my post. i have come to see that the game is geared more so for the evil doer. they have the advantage, they are prepared to kill people, and the element of surprise. i understand that is how the game is played. what i want to know as a newbie. how do i defend against pks. as a bard? peacemaking doesn't work on mages :)~ any help would be greatly appreciated .

thanks Fyndrori Bard to zinjadu

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:46 am
by Mikel123
You most likely want your character to have GM in the following:

Evaluate Intelligence

Each is important for its own reasons in terms of surviving a PK attack.

Make sure you have Magic Reflect active at all times. And of course a hotkey to cast Recall, and a rune in the same place in your backpack at all times so it's easy to find and target.

Always have trapped pouches and a hotkey for your Use Once agent, to ensure you don't get paralyzed and then killed.

90% of your encounters are survivable by simply having the right template, Magic Reflect up, and casting Recall the moment you see a red name. The last 10% of encounters is what is more difficult.

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:14 pm
by FishinPro
I would go with hiding over eval as the bonus dmg for the end kill really isnt all that great over hiding while your monsters are fighting and pk's cant see you.

If you go with eval and you are waiting for your kills just make sure you have recall up and ready. As soon as you see a red hit your recall macro and insta-gone!

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:27 pm
by son
Eval over hiding. Sometimes you can kill a pk on a bard, ask the mask of the most handsome.

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:45 pm
by FishinPro
son wrote:Eval over hiding. Sometimes you can kill a pk on a bard, ask the mask of the most handsome.

You can drop hiding for eval in the future once you get good enough and can actually pvp fairly well and understand the game...

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:07 pm
by Zinjadu
Thanks for the helpful hints... i must admit i am no pvper.. i just so nervous when i get attacked. my gms are as follows
i see i might have to make some changes...
thanks again for all the input
Fyndrori Bard to Zinjadu

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:18 pm
by FishinPro
Zinjadu wrote:Thanks for the helpful hints... i must admit i am no pvper.. i just so nervous when i get attacked. my gms are as follows
i see i might have to make some changes...
thanks again for all the input
Fyndrori Bard to Zinjadu

yes you def need wrestling to get away from any halfway decent pk...drop eval for wrestling and you should be good!

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:54 pm
by smart86
MR always up, Macro for casting recall and also targeting rune, rune should be in a low travel location so it isnt blocked, always be on the alert, whenever possible be in a location where it takes more than a straight run for a pk to reach you melee, if you arent finding that good enough ad invis items to the mix. (Cast recall, equip invis item, target rune)

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:44 am
by Moppety
Provo that drag or ll onto the pk and heal through.

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:34 am
by archaicsubrosa77
You want fun and annoying however try this

Resist 90
Anatomy 80
Magery 30


I hate being bothered by spawn, and the combination of macing plus peace in combination slows down your opponent pretty good
You just mentioned peacemaking is why I brought it up
"and someone else about you provoking on Pks"

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:36 am
by Loathed
with the ability to spam attack last unless you time ur peace making just right (after they attack and before they equip the weapon [hally i assume]) it won't do any good in pvp. Unless maybe they have pets? even still it's a keystroke away and it can be used alot faster than peacemaking

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:28 am
by archaicsubrosa77
thats the whole point to make them fidget with tabbing and attack last
you are slowing them down as is...and really no magery with 40-50 parry would just be ridiculous

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:21 am
by Loathed
i dunno bout most ppl but my toggle equip halberd has a built in attack last/tab out so no it wouldn't cause me a hassle and I assume that most other pks have the same thing.

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:06 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Loathed wrote:i dunno bout most ppl but my toggle equip halberd has a built in attack last/tab out so no it wouldn't cause me a hassle and I assume that most other pks have the same thing.
Oh really then the timing wont be that difficult. Just when you are about to clash. I wouldn't expect to stop every swing. And like I said having multiple instruments it would be easy to fake someone out or keep them spamming just to cramp their style. I guess its fair since attack last spams hit hally mages too.

Re: pks evrywhere...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:31 pm
by StegcO
Create a charatcher with 50 Hiding on your second Account and place it hidden near the spot you use to make money (lich, a dungeon or other place).

When you kill some mob trade gold/item with that charatcer.

With that you can save a lot of money, if you are killed you lost a little % of gold you have farmed.

If you want you can give to this Bank-Character Bandage/Armor/Weapon/Reagent to restock without going to city/house.

I don't know but if you train Camping (on this Bank-Character ) you can slog istant just in chase the PK spot it.

Well, search a "safe" spot to place it hidden a little bit away, not near the spot ^^