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Is the Stable System normaly full?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:09 am
by EnigmaMaitreya
I get a lot of "My stables are full" when I try to stable a pet.

Is this just an anomaly or is it pretty much the way things are.

If the Stables are normay full, then when you log out or crash out (no I have not had this) do your pets get psuedo stabled until you log back in or do they just hang around to get killed or go wild?

Re: Is the Stable System normaly full?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:47 am
by Hoots
There is no type of "auto" stable. the only way for a pet to log out with you is if you are mounted... but both you and your pet go through normal log out rules (5 mins unless you are at a owned/friended hourse or an inn).

If you lose conn in the wild, you and your pet are at risk.

yes... the stable system on OSI was notorious for being full. It was often times griefed by players stabling bunnies and such just so tamers could not stable their pets...

The stables here are probably less filled then they typically were in this era on OSI.

Good luck!

Re: Is the Stable System normaly full?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:47 am
by Huscarl
People just have alot of pets with those stablemasters. I know some dudes that keep 10 ostards in reserve of their favourite colour or whatever, so it's not suprising. Plus there;s peeps with all their dragons.

Go try a town less travelled, like Serpent's Hold.. there should be room there.

Re: Is the Stable System normaly full?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:29 pm
by EnigmaMaitreya

I put over in the Improvements section or Accuracy, pretty much the exact same thing you said.

I know DD was trying to get a handle on it and put in the ability to make a pet a statue and back. The statue could be trade able / sell able.

Now how is your memory on that?

I have mixed feelings about this issue as I enjoy the Tamer far more than any other build.

Pets skill up just like we do, so being able to get your pet skills up is advantageous.

Now then I am so new and low (This shard is heavily tilted towards the established player (not complaining)) that I am using Timber Wolves Black Bears and Forest Ostards and myself to kill MoB's. I have not had to do this kind of stuff since UO came out and the tough part is the Reagents Cost and / or the Bandage Cost (Take this in the context of current UO).

I am sure I can get through it as I have a few times in the past.

The uneasy feeling is using what few slots are available on Wolves, Bears and Forest things vs others with far more desirable pets being stuck without a slot. So I have just been letting everything go when I am done with it. Well except my Ridable Llama :D

@ Huscarl

Well, my bank account is a lot closer to 0 gp that it is to 10gp.

My SpellBook has about 6 spells (geard towards survival) and my reagents to be less than 2 and all to often 0.

So traveling around a lot is not on the table just yet and I do prefer Serpents Hold AND NuJelm.

Do not take the above as whining or complaining, if anything think of it as an origianl UO start up. :D
He he, the hot spot last night seemed to be Delucia