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Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:06 pm
by Mikel123
I've spent a fair amount of time building an automated Item ID macro that I'd like to share. The impetus for this was the fact that ID charges on this shard are selling for an absurd (IMO) price of 15-20gp per charge. Mathematically, it's really not nearly as profitable as you might think to be IDing things at that price. It should take about 30-60 minutes to set this all up, between building and placing the chests in your house, pasting the code into a macro, determining the chest IDs in your house, and find/replacing those IDs in the macro text. It took me a lot longer to build and perfect this thing, but I consider it to have been a worthwhile investment.

What does the macro do? For all magical weapons/armor/clothing/jewelry you might find in dungeon chests, it will cycle through them one at a time. First, it will try to "steal" the item from a bag nearby on the ground (this works with 0 stealing, 100% success rate). If unsuccessful, it will wait 10 seconds and try the next item type. If successful, it will wait 10 seconds and ID the item via Item ID skill. It will then determine if the item fits any of the below categories, and if so it will put it in the appropriate chest. It will then move to the next item type. If it is not a special item, it will put the item in one of the backpacks on the ground. You can ultimately pick up the backpacks and sell them to a vendor for some nice risk-free profit, generally 1500 to 4000 gp depending on item types.

The macro should work in any room set up like I have it below, where you are within 2 tiles of 32 different chests, and within 1 tile of the organizer agents, trash barrel, and random loot bags.

What does it NOT do? It doesn't ID studded or leather armor pieces (sorry, these are worthless IMO). It also doesn't ID items which are strictly inferior to others, from a mechanical perspective: plate helm, bascinet, orc helm, metal shield, buckler, wooden shield. It doesn't look for useless combat weapons, like pitchfork, butcher knife, etc. In my judgment, it wasn't worth the time to add these items to the macro, so I don't bother picking them up from chests and monsters. Lastly, it doesn't save items of force/hardiness or below, so you may miss out on a +25 halberd of force. (Probably want to check halberds manually as you bring non-saved item backpacks to vendors to sell). As for charged weapons/wands, it only saves weapons of ghoul's touch, thunder, and daemon's breath. For wands, only GHeal, ID, and lightning. Sorry wands of fireball, katanas of burning, etc.

First, the code itself:
Part 1
Part 2

Paste part 1 and part 2 consecutively in a text editor and save them as your macro.

Paste this into your Razor profile for your character with 100.0 Item ID:

This will overwrite your organizer agents 1, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

You will now need to set up your house properly, and do a brief bit of find and replace in the macro file for the 32 chests you will be using.

Here's a screenshot of my house as I have it set up. You need to do it like this so you can stand on the tile with the orange backpack and access the 32 chests (the stack furthest east is not accessible from this tile and not used:

The four backpacks on the ground are organizer agent hotbags 6, 8, 9, and 10. They can be on top of each other, whatever. You stand on the orange backpack tile. Here is an outline of the destinations of the Organizer agents:

6: wands/staves (sell at magic shop)
7: trash barrel
8: clothes (sell at tailor)
9: jewelry (sell at jeweler or provisioner)
10: weapons/armor (sell at armorer or blacksmith)

Note: the first time you use this macro, you'll have to set these hotbags via razor. Organizer agent 1 will be the 32 chests on the wall, and will be adjusted automatically by the macro depending on where each item belongs. The bags in a stack on the floor are where the random loot is. You'll need to log in fresh, open each bag so the contents are displayed, and then fire up the macro.

And here is a stylized map of what is in each chest (the thick line is the corner break):

Here are the 32 chests with their IDs (in my house)... may need to open image in new tab to see all chest IDs:

For your own house, you'll just need to replace the IDs in the macro with the IDs of the chests in your house. To find the chest IDs in your house:
1) pick up an item
2) ALT-TAB to Razor, record a new macro
3) drop the item in the chest
4) stop recording. Open the macro in Notepad or some other text editor, and find/replace the corresponding chest ID from my macro with your chest ID. Repeat for each chest.

That's about it. Log into the world, open up the bags on the floor which contain the items, and play the macro. You'll be IDing and sorting loot without wasting ID charges while AFK. Any questions, please let me know and I'll be happy to answer and update this guide.

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:51 pm
by [Uhh] Eo
Yeah, I had seen Tela had this set up (more elaborate though) and wondered how he did it until I stole from a chest recently.

Brutal effort to set up. I would have done it by cascading macros though to make it run faster.

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:20 pm
by Mikel123
I saw Telamon post something related to this, but wasn't playing at the time so never got to see how he did it. Not sure why a more elaborate setup is needed.

I didn't cascade through macros because I find Razor tends to be stupid with "by type" commands when there's more than one matching item known to the program, and you go for the same type a few times in close proximity. But, for whatever reason, I don't have such problems when I cycle through every item once like this.

If you have any details to add to... well, any part of your post... I'm all ears.

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:33 pm
by Soulbreak
I am trying to set this up, but some of your boxes don't match the layout you described.

For Example the first Fortified item in your code is listed as such.

Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-1: Set Hot Bag
Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-1
Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|52|3|ENU|0|organizer 1

Should be a box, but it isn't listed on your diagrams. Suggestions?

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:24 pm
by Malaikat
Needs to be broken into seperate macros per item type to avoid cycling through items that don't exist or for IDing bags of pre-sorted loot.

Summary code would look something like:

Use skill: Stealing
Wait for Target
Target by type
Pause 10s
If (sys message = "take)
<perform ID and sort function>
End If
If (sys message = "no item")
Exec Next Macro

May be able to do it with For loops. I'm playing around with the idea in my head.

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:40 pm
by Malaikat
Haven't had the time to test yet, but I'm almost certain the For loop would work if you replace the "End If" statements in the ID/Organize portion of code with "End For" statements. Should kick it back to the beginning where it checks for the sys message = "take" after you've dumped it to the proper org agent. If you don't take the item, the code should jump to the next item and skip the for loops in the appraisal process.

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:22 pm
by Birdman7
Hey I'm a little confused here. You first say you need 32 chest but your first chart showing which chest is which shows 38 chest then the second one with north wall and west wall shows only 35 chests. Which one is it? Trying to get this setup.

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:18 am
by Malaikat
Birdman7 wrote:Hey I'm a little confused here. You first say you need 32 chest but your first chart showing which chest is which shows 38 chest then the second one with north wall and west wall shows only 35 chests. Which one is it? Trying to get this setup.
You've got to update all of the item ID's for the chests in the macro, so you can actually lay them out however you'd like. Any number of chests is fine. My current setup uses 28 containers. The important thing is that you know where items are being sorted and then capture the proper chest ID for each item type being sorted there. I made a macro that I could copy and past ID's from and I announced which items it was for before the target action which displays the ID, like so: (i don't have razor on this PC so the syntax isn't exact)

Say: "Power Mace"
exec: set last target
absolute target (target the power mace container, and it will display the item ID when you edit the macro in notepad)
Say: "Vanq mace"
exec: set last target
absolute target

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:14 pm
by Fagabeefe
Mikel123 wrote:First, it will try to "steal" the item from a bag nearby on the ground (this works with 0 stealing, 100% success rate). If unsuccessful, it will wait 10 seconds and try the next item type. If successful, it will wait 10 seconds and ID the item via Item ID skill.
I know this is an older post, but it inspired me to make an Item ID macro. If you want to speed up the process you can use a lockpick on the item you're attempting to find. If it's not available or too far away you can ignore the message and move to the next item without waiting for the 10s stealing cooldown. If it say's "You can't unlock that!", then you know the item is available and close enough to steal and ID.

Code: Select all

// use a lockpick

// check for chainmail coif (5051)

// if we found a chainmail coif, let's take it!
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|you can't unlock that!
// ... time to steal and ID

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:23 am
by Malthus
First, thanks to all for this work. Fagabeefe, wonderful addition!

Now, I am fairly new to Razor and find it quite constraining. Is this approach, ie, iteration of every target type per loop still the state of the art? It certainly creates a lot of dead time during execution.

Also, I frequently get a 'That is too far away' message both when attempting the lockpick and the steal; sometimes, the lockpick will find it, but then the 'too far away' appears for the steal attempt. My positioning is similar to that of Mikel123's arrangement. Its intermittent. Any clues?

Re: Item Identification ID macro

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:39 am
by Malthus
Okay, tweaking to exec last target subsequent to a successful lockpick message seems to have cleaned up the execution quite a bit.