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Village of Paws - A Wedding!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:32 am
by VisionImpaired
Hail to all!

This is Strum a bard from Vilage of Paws. I happened upon these lands not long ago. When i came here i had no memory of my past and was utterly lost and confused! I was living off scraps i could find in trash barrels and fighting small wildlife outside of Moonglow. Then one day i stumbled on the Moongate in Moonglow. I had no idea where this magical portal would take me but i could not resist the adventure on the horizon.
Once i stepped through the portal i found a road just to me east and decided to take it south. After a long walk I became both tired and parched for a drink. I stumbled on the spirituality shrine and met Zoltan. This fellow was very nice to me as a complete stranger though i could tell he was a bit into his wine sack. Zoltan decided to give me a chance to become one of his fellow Vilagers. I was sent to dispatch some evil mages due south west of the village that had become a threat to the safety of the villagers.
Now...this was my humble beginings, but where thy true story starts is on my return to the village. As i approached the tower Zoltan was standing next to this woman that simply took my breath away. Now as a Bard for me to be speachless was quite a accomplishment. Her name was Cassandra. She held her self with such a polite and kind aura that I was instantly drawn to her. I almost forgot to report my findings to Zoltan about the evil mages! Once i was able to find my tongue again i respectfully introduced myself to Cassandra. She was a member of the villge and also a grand master in the arts of music. Zoltan decided to accept me into his family and asked that i patrol the road north to Britania. Cassandra the sweet heart she is, insisted on accompaning me to make sure i didn't get myself killed.
Next thing you know there was a search party sent out for us because we became so caught up in conversation half way up the road that we forgot to complete our patrol! From then on Strum and Cassandra seemed inseperatable. She started training me in a multitude of different skills. Fast foward a month later and Strum is now a Grand Master in multiple skills. He finally mustered up the courage to ask Cassandra to be his lady. After a second of silence that seemed to NEVER end she said YES! I presented her with a 3 sapphire necklace, bracelet and ring. They did not compare to her beauty. Things were going great and we continued to be very close while hunting and collecting materials for various projects. I decided to start traveling the lands looking for a romantic spot i could take my lady and show her how much i appreciate everything she has done for me. In just over a month she was able to transform me from a lost bumbling Bard to a Grand Master tha is able to hold his own to many foes.
After about another month all my preperations were set. I took Cassandra to the Justice waterfall and spoke from the heart confessing my love. She was quite happy at this point and we were both all smiles. I decided to open a portal to a island I found that i thought would be the perfect location to pop the big question. We walked through the portal and were now on an island just big enough to hold two people and it was in the shape of a heart. I set down a rune that was marked as Strum's Heart and let her know if ever she needs to know someone is there for her just come to this spot and know i am with you. I set down a box of matching 5diamond jewelry and ask Cassandra to marry me. She was taken back from the suprise that it took her a few seconds to respond. These few seconds felt like an eternity. Alas, she did come out of the shock and said YES! Now we are both happily engaged.

This is where i seek the help of fellow adventurer's. I want to make this wedding day as special as i can for Cassandra as she deserves it. I am just amazed by the kindness she shows on a daily basis, even to those she dont know. She is always wiling to help others. I have been trying to get in touch with a game seer for the past few days to see if we can have an offical wedding setup. If anyone has any suggestions how to go about this or suggestions for the wedding in general please let me know. She honestly desrves the best and i want to provide that for her. Down the road once a date is set i will post a message here with the date and i do hope to have a good turn out. Thank you all for reading this and safe travels,


Re: Village of Paws - A Wedding!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:58 pm
by Blaine the Gypsy
This event is era accurate.

Re: Village of Paws - A Wedding!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:10 pm
by Jupiter
oh my! you folks at Paws are stretching the record keeping responsibilities of The Mage Tower to the limits!

Congratulations and may their house be built on a foundation of rock!

for those of you who might have deemed this tl;dr here is a summary recap

Strum is getting married to the beautiful Cassandra! The courtship was long (as UO days turn) and as of this moment they are just in the planning stages of the ceremony!

- Jupiter the Grey

Re: Village of Paws - A Wedding!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:51 pm
by Downs
cA will be handling the catering and security.

Re: Village of Paws - A Wedding!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:16 pm
by Kander
PoD will be glad to bring the fireworks.

Re: Village of Paws - A Wedding!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:37 pm
by Jupiter
Downs wrote:cA will be handling the catering and security.
What is the going rate on a cA wedding permit? have you even anticipated making such administering such a permit? I must admit I didn't see this coming