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Blood and sand - vol 2

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:04 am
by chainsoar
Since the gradual but violent disappearance of the foul bloodrock orcs, and the subsequent insurgence of the Iduali savage clan, the desert surrounding the Compassion shrine has been more restless than ever in recent times.

However, after the Iduali uprising and attempt to summon their vile god Shai-Hulud from the nether dimensions was crushed by the warriors of Britannia, a return to relative peace in the area has been observed, save for the usual random wandering bandits and brigands. We believed that the region had been brought under the control of the crown and some semblance of law and order installed..until today.

Although we felt sure that the outlaws in the region had been thoroughly disbanded, we were not entirely complacent, and agents of the crown continue to scout the region along with the rest of Britannia, so that we may remain vigilant at all times. Recently, one of these scouts failed to return when scheduled, and a small unit was dispatched to determine his fate.

This unit also failed to return on time, and on the third day after they were expected to arrive, we began to be seriously concerned. Orders were sent to prepare a full company to be dispatched to the region, ready to do battle with whatever awaited. However, that afternoon a single soldier came stumbling into Britain, delirious and grievously wounded. He was the last survivor of the first patrol unit, and although the court's healers did everything in their power to preserve him, he perished within hours of his arrival.

His body bore the most horrifying marks of battle and truly, it is a miracle he made it as far as he did. He was unable to provide any information on what had happened, but these marks on his body were clear enough. Jagged wounds rent his flesh, clearly caused by spears with crude, serrated edges. The sickness and delirium he suffered in his last agonised moments were clearly the effects of scorpion poison. There is only one enemy in the Compassion desert who fights with weapons such as these.

The Iduali have returned.