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~ Shadowquest ~ Xigig ~

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:51 am
by Chance
~ Shadowquest ~ Xigig ~

A wave of heat flashed over Xigig - Otak had just confronted Snabba with the question of why Xigig wasn't yet a Mojoka. He needed to be tested, that's why. Per usual, on UO:SecondAge, this meant the Gruntee would be required to klomp a higher rank in order to prove his worth.

Xigig's palms began to sweat as Snabba hastily prepared a make-shift klomp ring outside of the Mak'r Hut. Snabba muttered something about it being too easy for a Gruntee Mojokii against a klomp'r, and that a Mojo versus Mojo battle was needed. Xigig felt sick to his stomach as the first spells began to fly, and was nearly felled right out the gate. He managed to survive Snabba's attacks and attempt a few of his own, but his mana was in short supply. Xigig even used his War Drum to provoke a nearby goat to aide him in his time of need - it was no use. "Diz klomp nub end tyll ash ub uz am owt ub weedz!", Xigig shouted. Snabba laughed as he started summoning an Energy Vortex. The swirling purple mass began to do its work on Xigig, and his efforts to dispel were interrupted. He knew these creatures had a mind of their own, and stood next to Snabba in a last ditch effort ...

It worked! The vortex of energy had shifted it's focus to the more intellectually strong of the two, and Snabba met his demise.

(Sorry, no SS of this klomp, if Snabba/Tar'shakt/Otak happen to have one I would like a copy!)

Xigig would be going on a Shadowquest, the final step in promotion from Gruntee to Mojoka. Snabba wanted "treasures from the other uzg". Xigig would work his way toward The Lost Lands.


Tar'shakt poses a valid question, "Heem sturt wiff weedz?"

The answer is no!

Xigig found a healer at the edge of Orc Uzg and helped himself to a few of the human's belongings. It would be the first step on the long road of re-equipping himself off of the land. His trusty War Drum on his hip and a few loaves of bread in his pack, Xigig headed further away from Orc Uzg.


Moving to the North and East, Xigig scoured the forests for weeds, and creatures who may provide more of the same. He had various degrees of success with his hunting, but the few reagents he possessed were far too precious to him at this time to waste on your average ogre, ettin, or troll. He continued along until he found a dark, damp cave in which to set up camp for the night.


When he next woke, Xigig explored around his camp a bit and realized he was near the Dungeon Wrong. He took a gamble and explored further, hoping to find some evil magi inside whose robes he might bring back to Snabba and some very much needed reagents to place inside his pack. Fortune was not on his side, however, and Xigig made a hasty retreat from the Dungeon. As he travelled along he caught a faint, but familiar scent ... he smelled Orcs! Xigig stumbled into the war-torn Blud'chok fort, taking it all in. He was certain that many like him had lived, fought, and died within the battered and beaten walls. He took time to meditate at the campfire and fill his stomach before moving on to a nearby desert, home to a filthy clan of Savages.


After claiming a head as a trophy, Xigig pressed onward towards the Lost Lands. He wasn't very familiar with the ways in and out of the strange land, but thought he remembered a tunnel...


Xigig narrowly escaped the Wargod's wrath as he was confronted by a lich and a host of lesser undead guarding the secret passage to the Lost Lands. His travels had left him weary, and although he now possessed a considerable amount of some reagents, he was still in short supply of several key components. He found a fairly safe looking place to bed down, planning to spend some time back in the Vesper Graveyard hunting for spell components and scrolls once he re-awoke.

*ting* *ting* *ting*

Xigig hated the noise that he heard as he came back thru the tunnel out of the Lost Lands and into the Vesper Boneyard: The sound of a katana hard at work. He muttered to himself as he hid near a building, hoping he hadn't been seen. A human clad in armors made of bone was slaughtering the residents of the graveyard with ease. Xigig watched and surveyed the situation, examining the human carefully. He was on foot, so Xigig supposed he could manage a victory. As the human stood in a doorway fighting a skeleton, Xigig launched his attack!


Bleeding profusely, but victorious, Xigig claimed the small bits that were not worthless from the fresh corpse and used his dagger to carve the head from his victim. Brutus had been a worthy foe, and Xigig thanked the Wargod that he had not been mounted: it would certainly have meant his demise. He healed himself as best he could and made his way back through the tunnel under the graveyard.

He sniffed the air as he moved across the landscape, knowing that somewhere there was a Shardhu Clan fort. He had been there before on a trip, but could not recall its exact location. Forest creatures gave way to Undead, and Undead gave way to Shardies as Xigig caught sight of the Shardhu Fort outside of Delucia. He waged battle with them for quite some time before laying low enough of them to attempt a full capture of their Fort. War Drum in hand, he darted into their Fort, but his music did not anger the Orc Lord and mage into combat! He found himself nearly krimped and gravely wounded, and as he made a mad dash toward the door one last spell blasted him in the back!

OooOOo Oooo OOOoo!

The all-too-familiar monochrome world enveloped him.

The Wargod's voice boomed:








Having recieved his tongue-lashing, Xigig regained his fleshly form and with the Wargod's blessing, managed to retrieve his corpse from inside the Shardhu Fort. He had amassed a considerable amount of shinees, a human head, an orc mask for himself, and HH or more helms for the clan... but these thingies were not what he really gained from his Shadowquest. A greater understanding of his role in the Shadowclan was the true treasure he would take back with him!