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Foul animal murderers!

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:45 pm
by Populus
Jennifer, our dark guardian knight was stealthily watching over Britannia in the name of safety when she stumbled upon a gate.
With the current area secure she decided to travel into the moongate to see if there was danger about.


She appeared in front of a large two story residing just north of Fire Temple, recognizing the area she deemed danger was just around the corner.
To secure the safety of our innocent brethren she snuck in the building in case something awful were to happen.


What she saw inside had our beloved Jennifer puzzled!
These innocent people were up to something not so innocent. There was a gorilla inside the backroom, locked in and surely a victim of some weird sexual fetish performed by these people.
Shocked (and intrigued, for Jennifer has similar fetishes) she quickly decided to check the top floor in case there were other cruelties abound.


What she saw was without a doubt illegal contraband scattered all over the floor. Upon further inspection she confirmed her beliefs.


Just as she had started to confiscate the stolen items one of the criminals approached the darkness which Jennifer had been hiding in, she started to collect the contraband.


Quickly thereafter one of the other criminals came to help, they seemed like they were in a hurry.
Perhaps their hideout was in danger?


The animals had been put through such misery that they had no will to live any longer and were now empty shells, quietly abiding their masters.
What future do these poor animals hold?


Another batch of helpless animals are brought in.


She decides to go downstairs to see for her own eyes what cruelty these animals must endure on a daily basis.
That's when she first heard their voices. They had the kind of voice only evil men possess.


This is the moment when Jennifer notices that the evil men had brutally executed the locked up gorilla!
It had quite clearly put up a fight because there were no longer any tables surrounding it.
Gorillas are not as easily subdued as the pack animals, it most likely had some will to live left.


Jennifer inspects the large stone standing in the corner of the mainroom and notices what appears to be the groups' name.
Her suspiciouns are then confirmed, these men are evil.


Yet another of her thoughts are confirmed when one of the evil men say that they are going to miss the house.
The house is obviously compromised.


One of the men tells another to kill the tables and kill them he does.


The grand criminal conjures a moongate to their new hideout.


What follows is beyond words. They bring the horses inside and slaughter them, one, by, one.


This person tells the horses (who obviously cannot understand human language) that they will make a fine stew of horsemeat and garlic.


Jennifer cannot watch the following cruelty.


Filled with disgust she quickly sneaks in to the new hideout to escape the stench of the dead horses.


They decide to leave and Jennifer decides it would be best to carry on with confiscating the illegal contraband.


She also went back to see what happened to the previous hide-out and caught new criminals moving in.
She quickly went inside and snatched the following items before vomiting from the stench of the dead gorilla. She was quickly ejected from the premises.


Jennifer did the best she could in bringing justice to Britannia for this particular evening.

Re: Foul animal murderers!

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:12 pm
by raysmage
Nice write up

Re: Foul animal murderers!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:25 am
by Greenhell
'That's when she first heard their voices. They had the kind of voice only evil men possess. '

... then the cut to the guy talking German had me busting a gut ehehehheheh

Re: Foul animal murderers!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:04 am
by Zordak
I don't understand how you snatched the entire bags while they were right there in the room with you.

Re: Foul animal murderers!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:55 pm
by RaveGreen
Zordak - I don't think "Jennifer" did. I think she grabbed some things out of the chest, prior to the home owner(s) coming upstairs. It appears the home owner(s) were moving, using the pack horses and that "Jennifer" didn't get all the loots until she followed them to the other house.

I liked the story, my favorite part -
"Jennifer cannot watch the following cruelty."