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Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:55 pm
by Tony Costa
Okay so after running around and killing people FS'ing and EB'ing themselves in their house with a failed macro/failed healing macro I decided I would post this thread to enlighten the noob generation on how to successfully and safely macro magery/resist in your home without being trolled and killed due to a faulty failed macro.

#1. Set up two characters, one being your mage that you are going to train and the second being your healer toon.
#2. Sit in the exact center tile of a small house. This is TWO TILES NORTH of the front door.
#3. Place container next to you and lock it down.
#4. Put in the regs you will need to macro magery/resist and also put in the bulk load of bandages you will need to cross heal with your healer toon.
#5. Go on your healer toon and set a macro as follows: Double Click Bandages, Wait for Target, Absolute Target (obviously target your mage) Pause 5555.
#6. Go on your mage toon's razor and set up a restock agent that will grab whatever # of regs you wish to macro at a time, I do 20. Put this restock agent onto a hotkey for use in a moment.
#7. Go into your mage toons razor and make a new MACRO. Assuming you are also training meditation, the macro should look at follows (I will demonstrate a FS macro, you can edit this for any other spell you need.) : If mana <= 41 Use skill meditation - Else - Cast Spell - Wait for Target - If HP >= 99 - Target Self - Else - Cancel Current Target - Pause 2222 - End If - Pause 2222 - If Spider Silk <=1 - Use Restock Agent - Target Restock Bag On Floor - Pause 3333 - If Sulf Ash <=1 - Use Restock Agent - Target Bag on Floor - Pause 3333
#8. Press play on your healer toon's macro, then press play on your mage toon's macro.

You are officially set up to go and will have an extremely slim slim slim slim chance of dying to an afk killer such as myself who will cast EQ while you cast FS and kill you. The reason why you will not die is because if your HP drops lower than 99 your macro will NOT cast the FS and will wait until you are healed fully to continue.

While many of trolls may say " I can bring multiple toons and eq at the same time and break your macro" I say, have fun wasting 40 minutes of your time planning it out for a very minimal success rate.

This is my contribution to the UOSA noobs who I've killed while they have been macroing in their houses....

I hope this has helped you guys, have a wonderful day!

- Tony

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:47 am
by [Uhh] Eo
40 minutes and minimal success? All you have to do is press all names and cast EQ off a scroll when you see the player (frozen).

Decent advice for a blue, but if you're red or in stat loss, do not do this.

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:17 pm
by smit9352
I've done this method before but it was when less greifers roamed the lands.

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:12 am
by Tony Costa
Lol @ Eo who has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. Cast your EQ while I am "frozen" and if it hits even a millisecond before my target goes off itll cancel the target and wont cast the fs. If it hits afterwards it wont kill me. I'm at my house all night macroing FS on my stat pk, please by all means prove me wrong.

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:32 am
by Supra-
Actually it's quite easy to do, Eo is correct. You just need the EQ to hit them right after they've cast the FS on themselves. There is a delay from when the spell is cast to when the damage is applied.

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:33 am
by [Uhh] Eo
Herp I'm Tony Costa

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:36 am
by Capitalist
The same place where all of Tony is...

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:45 am
by Tony Costa
Lol thats completely fine if you believe you can break my macro feel free my house is in mYm territory right behind lil farnkie's L shape, feel free to come EQ all you want.

If you have nothing else to add to the conversation you should probably stop posting, theres a rules section for a reason :)

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:53 am
by Tony Costa
Oh PS: Since I macro'd all night without a problem from any of you I would only assume there were one of two outcomes to your failed trolling - either you couldn't find my easily located house in mym territory or you just couldnt break my macro and decided it wasn't worth your time.

Either way I see this as a win for my post.

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:55 am
by Nystal
Tony Costa wrote: #5. Go on your healer toon and set a macro as follows: Double Click Bandages, Wait for Target, Absolute Target (obviously target your mage) Pause 5555.
This is good and will do a job, but I find it more effective to have:
Double Click Bandages
Wait for Target
Absolute Target
If sysmessage ="apply"
pause 5555
end if.

That way instead of trying to apply a bandage every 5-6 seconds, it will consistently try and THEN pause when you actually have some damage taken. As you don't cast unless full, this might speed up training by a few seconds here and there, which all add up over a long period of time.

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:44 pm
by Tony Costa
Good addition, that also works =) Although it doesnt effect the eq trick, it will keep you from waiting 6 seconds every time if the "target is not damaged" =) Thank you for your input!!

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:53 pm
by Supra-
Here you have it ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for giving me your location, I would have done it last night but I wasn't sure where you lived. Took me about 10 minutes.


Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:02 pm
by xynosis
It seemed it only took like 2 minutes and 3 attempts to do this. Careful timing can pay off... kinda like cycling your hally while right next to your target and hitting at the correct moment... if two things happen at the same tick of time in uo, funny things can happen. (I am am not talking funny ha-ha neither)

I only participated in watching this done because you challenged everyone reading it to do try.

I might have played a role in it too... just sayin'

I am sure you can macro safely most of the time. If you say you afk kill often, then perhaps you deserved this and/or accept this as fair at the very least.

just sayin'!

Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:06 pm
by Supra-
I killed your dog as well, for good measure.


Re: Safely Macroing Magery/Resist In Your Home.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:21 pm
by Tony Costa
Actually, its more like 3 people EQ'ing at the same time from opposite sides of the house LOL Carefully planned out and took much longer than 10 minutes I sat and watched you.

*EDIT* Golf clap at the wasted 30 minutes of your lives