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Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:27 pm
by Warrick
Vermillion and Cobra both unprovoked attacking blues? Not sure this is what NEW was about.. Now I know.. Thanks for showing me what you people are actually about.. Looting my body dry and taking all my runes.. on a Newbie character. GG guys.. gg


Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:13 pm
by Capitalist
"what about Vega?" - Cobra
"he's going to kill you" - Nina
"he'll be on you like flies on shit" - Nina
"we fucked up" - Nina
"just tell him you were with me and we saw pks, we always lie" - Vermillion

gg house ghosted

Edit: don't worry Nina, Vermillion, Cobra, and Ace Ventura (the 4 blues from NEW who were PKing although Nina is in 247 the "new PvP guild") NEW doesn't enforce their rules. Everyone knows NEW is just a cover for an amateur PK guild.


Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:24 am
by Gabriella
at least they aren't using hack programs like you and mountain man. and for the record, we have no policy on pvp afaik. also, 247 isn't a pvp guild, but they are nice enough to protect us noobs in NEW from griefers, jerks and cheats like you guys.


Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:52 am
by Levi
Gabriella wrote:at least they aren't using hack programs like you and mountain man. and for the record, we have no policy on pvp afaik. also, 247 isn't a pvp guild, but they are nice enough to protect us noobs in NEW from griefers, jerks and cheats like you guys.

Well put, anyone that spends any time at news keep knows how big a target new have become for any newbie PK who is not upto attacking any player with exp. New has also been hit with a few vet players pretending to be newbie so they can join. Then taking everything they can as soon as the chance arrives. I have even seen one toon jamming the keep door open with a pet to allow others to enter. Many times our newbie guys are allowed to macro at the keep and we seem to find them killed fairly often. 247 have now started to offer some real protection against this and it's helping.

Seems to me as though some people have taken to slamming new when ever they feel like it and often about stuff they know nothing off.

Without the New guild to help bring fresh blood into the game it would soon suffer. Perhaps a PM would work better sometimes, even by sending a PM things will still happen good and bad, after all with so many members you have to get some bad and some young who want to flex there muscle as youngsters do.

But given a chance and time the Elders at new do look at these things and do deal with them. Often not in public so some feel as though an issue is being ignored but that's not the case.

I am not an elder in new but I have been in new since I started and have seen a lot since I joined. All the help I received was positive and I was encouraged to play the game in a moralistic style. No looting, no PK, no house stalking, not o loot others kills etc. inderviduals can make bad choices that need addressing but to slam the whole guild seems over the top.


Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:06 am
by Gabriella
it also wasn't hard to search the website to see that the people you accuse have no murder count. diacf vega


Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:11 am
by Rat Tail John
Gabriella wrote:it also wasn't hard to search the website to see that the people you accuse have no murder count. diacf vega
+1 o ya vega got a murder count tonight killing blues