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Pricing weapons

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:23 am
by liinniejj
So I have collected a good bit of weps by now of mibbing and shit. I am finding alot of people looking for a silver wep of any kind or a single sword or war mace or whatever. I am always happy to help these people if i have what they want however i seem to have MAJOR issues having any clue what to ask for stuff. Like i eighter way over charge without knowing or i way underprice without knowing(meaning multiple 1000's gold most times). eighter way the buyer or me is always having a bad deal in these cases which i disapprove of.

So i was wondering as ive not been able to find it if anyone could help me out and give me something like a table with factors taken into accoutn what kidn of prices go with what a rough estimation or something. Like what is payed per durability factor, dmg mod, weapon type, accuracy.

Really im not askign for on the dot what it all is worth but just some kind of guideline i can go on. for all 4 classes and silver.

Thanks all very much for the help!