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Help! I'll never be a Knight for the Dungeon Guards!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:55 pm
by a Bungling Guard

I'm a Squire for the Dungeon Guards. I do the best that I can to be a good squire...trying to help out the Knights...fetching them their weapons and water. Why, just today Conquistador asked me to fetch a Brush to curry his horse...which i'd be glad to do...if I could just find the BRUSH!

I have no clue where I left it! I know its around DG Town somewhere, but I can't find it anywhere. Can someone help me find my Brush? I really want to be a good Squire and become a Knight someday, but at this rate i'll never make it! Please help me! I'm only a lowly Squire, but i'll give you what little reward I can muster up! I promise!


Re: Help! I'll never be a Knight for the Dungeon Guards!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:35 pm
by a Bungling Guard
My Brush has been found! Thank you Toadkiller! :D


Re: Help! I'll never be a Knight for the Dungeon Guards!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:19 am
by Missy B
aw, how sweet, toadkiller.

Re: Help! I'll never be a Knight for the Dungeon Guards!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:30 am
by Roser
+1 I love this. Forums quests!!! woooo