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Murder counts

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:51 pm
by Vega/Delo
No clue and have no idea where you find the patch notes bla bla bla. But when I played later you needed to at least 1gp bounty to give a count. This change later or does this need to be changed. Let's get the board cracking again.

Oh and I would like to file a missing persons report for Pink Boots.

Re: Murder counts

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:55 pm
by Kaivan
This may have been the case under the original notoriety system where the bounty system operated differently, but after the reputation publish in mid-98, it was unnecessary to post a bounty in order to report a murderer. The reputation FAQ on the archived stratics pages include answers directly from DD, on the subject, and none of them mention the need to post a bounty as part of the process. This is further backed up by the demo, where modifications have allowed us to connect with a second client. Testing on the demo shows that no bounty is necessary to report a murder, which is in-line with the information contained in the reputation FAQ.