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Kill command stops working.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:57 am
by Kara
REPORTED ISSUE: Kill command stops working on summoned daemons.

ISSUE DETAILS: I summon daemons a lot to do PVE, but recently the kill command randomly stops working sometimes. I use "All Kill" when I have just 1 daemon, and it has always worked in the past. After some time passes and I use the daemon to kill a few mobs, they stop responding to the kill command. Renaming the daemon and calling it by name does not work either. All other commands seem to work such as guard, follow and even stay. When I use 2 daemons, I rename them right away so I can control them seprately. Even in this case, it stops working eventually.

ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: Windows 7 64bit, 4GB RAM, No idea what version I'm using.

STEPS TO RECREATE: Summon a daemon, kill a few mobs with it.

EXPECTED RESULTS: I would like it if daemons would respond to my kill commands.