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Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:03 am
by arielle
Hi everyone,

I got guilded 2 days ago and i was glad to join you but I had a problem yesterday :

Went afk for a few houres and when i came back, i had been killed without a report prompt.

Did a guild member kill me or is there a bug that prevent someone to get murder counts ?

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:57 am
by SirEricKain
Hi Arielle,

There is a time limit on the report, so if you are idle for an extended period of time the option dissipates.

Welcome to UOSA!

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:06 pm
by Ill Gates
SirEricKain wrote:Hi Arielle,

There is a time limit on the report, so if you are idle for an extended period of time the option dissipates.

Welcome to UOSA!
That's incorrect. People hold counts for days and days.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:39 pm
by a swallow
Even after the restart? ............

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:33 pm
by Ohm
Yes even after restart the gump can be held. As far as I know there is no time limit.

There are only a few ways no prompt would be given.

-Guild member killed you
-Enemy guild member killed you (your guild has to be warred to said guild)
-You're in the thieves guild
-You were grey, perma-grey, or red

Where were you and what were you doing while AFK?
If you were in a house that you were not friended to, you would be grey to someone that was friended.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:50 pm
by Mens Rea
Someone could have lured a monster to kill you

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:51 pm
by Ill Gates
Mens Rea wrote:Someone could have lured a monster to kill you

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:52 pm
by SariahTheBard
This mystery can be easily solved, check your journal file in the UO installation folder. There aren't time stamps or anything but as it recently happened you can probably figure it out pretty quick. The file is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online\journal.log on most windows installations, assuming you accepted the defaults.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:48 pm
by Ohm
Mens Rea wrote:Someone could have lured a monster to kill you
derp. knew I was forgetting something

Re: Hey !

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:02 am
by arielle
Well, i was at skara bank so i guess luring a monster isn t the answer.

I ll check the log now.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:48 pm
by morgan1109
I’m sorry you died. It sucks. Contact me when you are on and I’ll gladly replace your stuff. I will most likely be on Varak, and he has to live up to his “helper” title in NEW, heh heh.

Most of the times I’ve been killed within guard borders have been by people dragging monsters over. Using the hide skill usually stops this as it keeps you hidden indefinitely. If people can't find you, they can't grief you. Even if hidden, If people bump into you at the bank they can cast reveal and a pull a monster to you. Detect hidden also works but it is a rare skill to have for most builds. It’s best to hide in low traffic areas (preferably within reach of a guard) so they can’t bump into you. A guard needs to have direct line of sight to you or an NPC needs to have direct line of sight to call a guard. There are lots of places in a guard zone where you can be easily killed if no guards or NPCs are around.

I doubt it was a guild member. NEW has a hard rule that you cannot attack a blue for any reason. If your log shows a guildmate attacked you let one of the elders know and the person will very likely be kicked from the guild. It simply isn’t tolerated.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:43 pm
by Grogor
Totally agree w Varak. No NEW guildmember would do that, so if you discover otherwise, pm me and it will be dealt with immediately. As you can see by Varak's response, we are far more interested in helping new players than hurting them. Any member will gladly help restore 110% of your losses.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:49 pm
by Ill Gates
You guys are sweet.

Re: Hey !

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:27 pm
by Grogor
Yes we are... (no homo)

Re: Hey !

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:55 pm
by morgan1109
I wise man once said, you are the sum total of all of your actions. Millions and millions of actions you have taken in your lifetime make you who you are at this very moment, sitting behind your keyboard, getting ready to type a witty retort that this is just a game. It is absolutely true.

It is just a game. Consequences are very few. Slaughter the sheeple at your leisure. Enjoy it. It is your game to play how you want. Relish in the fact it will take them 15 minutes to find a healer and requip themselves spending every last penny only to be slaughtered again.

I shall continue to help every person who asks for it. Not because I believe it to be some deep seeded moral imperative, but because it is who I am. My many actions, over many years, over many mmo’s have taught me that it is the most rewarding aspect of any mmo. There are a couple truly epic battles that rival it, but not over the long haul, not over every platform like helping people does.

5K means nothing to me. 5K means nothing to you. It could be the difference between a new person staying or leaving. You should be glad there are people like us. We make sure there is a good collection of new people to slaughter on a regular basis, heh heh.

The only thing I ask is if you know they are “NEW”, take their reg box as your war trophy and rez them. They’ll still need to take the long walk to town. However, they can replenish your reg stash more frequently because they don’t have to start from zero. You aren’t doing it to be nice, or to be kind. You are doing to ensure more future kills. Everyone should understand the mechanics of that, but few possess the reason to act upon it.