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Resist Training

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:32 pm
by morgan1109
I finally have my characters properly trained in magic resistance. That means I have 60 wyrms with nothing to do. Idle Wyrms can be a handful so if anyone wants some resistance training above 55 just send me a PM. I’ll try and set a time and get you a couple hours alone with the big guys.

It typically takes 3 sessions to get to GM, but I’ve done it in two on a couple. One two hour session usually gets you from 55-90ish. The second session usually takes you to 97ish, and the third session you usually GM. If you plan to GM magery as well, only two sessions are needed as 96-97 resistance will be GM resist by the time you flamestrike yourself to GM mage.

It typically costs me about 9K to pull them out for a session (120 gold to buy a pet to hold the slot, and 30 to restable). The service is free for guildmates, however if you are super rich and want to donate, I won’t say no. The service is really to strengthen the players so they can adequately defend themselves and that should always be free.

I can provide a healer character if necessary, however it is best if the resist trainer brings a healer capable of rezzing. I will be scheduling during my off time, so I won’t be around for the training session. If I have to heal, I need to add time enough in the macro for a rez to hit in the off chance you get killed. That extra time reduces the number of healing cycles you can get in for the 2 hours, and therefore you have slower gains. If you run the healer, you can just stop your main macro and then rez then restart macro.

Re: Resist Training

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:52 pm
by Mens Rea
I'm rolling up a few new chars, I'll pay you a nice donation.

Re: Resist Training

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:35 pm
by morgan1109
I have a much higher pricing plan than free for non guildmates:)

I'll get you trained though. weekends will likely work best. I can only get on for a few minutes at a time since i am a full time dad on weekends. Basically i can't play myself. however, i can set up a training session then break it down the next time he is distracted for a few minutes, heh heh.

Re: Resist Training

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:47 pm
by Mens Rea
I will join the clan