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Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:50 pm
by Mulahey
Why do we still only have around 64 IPs on currently, compared to 884 on UO forever? Is any advertising going on at all? I know we mostly reached the top in era accuracy perfection here on UOSA, we don't do house addons and other useless shit, but with the wonderful events like barrage of wizards etc I feel like this server is not getting enough credit and attention at all. To me it is THE perfect game, the only thing missing is the population. It is very sad to see the best shard go downhill like this. Especially so when I see worse shards with 500+ uniques a day. Please for holy fire elemental, do something!

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:28 am
by Roser
Roser here checking in.

I am currently in my patio watching a grizzly bear meander about! Feel free to drop by for some fresh made cookies.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:20 am
by Feyde
Yeah, it's quite worrying, really. I'm investing a lot of time playing on the shard, but the lifeblood has drained away.

The economy is non-existent, and I'm struggling to bump into people! I haven't even been PK'd yet! No point in camping IDOC's because there's no-one to sell the stuff to!

There needs to be a concerted effort to get the word back out there. I've done a bit of promo on Reddit, but as a whole we should try to do more. The community we have are bloody awesome. Some of the most helpful people I've ever played UO with. It's just a crying shame there's not more!

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:44 pm
by Fox

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 10:39 pm
by SaibotMK

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:41 pm
by malice-tg
we need to capture that weird retro - LP buying young crowd somehow and get the snow ball going. im ancient so i have no idea how but once they are here i will kill them :)

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:52 am
by Drunk'n Disorder
malice-tg wrote:we need to capture that weird retro - LP buying young crowd somehow and get the snow ball going. im ancient so i have no idea how but once they are here i will kill them :)

you're so ancient that you think there is a "LP buying young crowd" still. No one buys LPs anymore, that shit's gay.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:37 pm
by Watatsumi
Drunk'n Disorder wrote:
malice-tg wrote:we need to capture that weird retro - LP buying young crowd somehow and get the snow ball going. im ancient so i have no idea how but once they are here i will kill them :)

you're so ancient that you think there is a "LP buying young crowd" still. No one buys LPs anymore, that shit's gay.
All the hipsters in their 20's buy vinyl. Stop listening to Drake singles on your I-pod and playing COD brah.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:50 pm
malice-tg wrote:we need to capture that weird retro - LP buying young crowd somehow and get the snow ball going. im ancient so i have no idea how but once they are here i will kill them :)
sup malice? :)

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 5:25 pm
by Kye Smogg
The population was the problem in the first place. I said it repeatedly when things started trending downward, and just got insulted by the neckbeards.

You can build the nicest park in the world with great landscaping, sparkling clean restrooms, etc, but if the people coming to the park are a bunch of drug dealers and felons, then that park probably won't become a staple in the community.

That's not to imply that we have druggies and criminals here, I'm just stating the toxic crew that "ran the show" here made many say "/shrug, I'll go elsewhere" while idiots lounged around going on and on about how people "couldn't cut it here".

And now look where that attitude landed things.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 5:37 pm
by Capitalist
Kye Smogg wrote:The population was the problem in the first place. I said it repeatedly when things started trending downward, and just got insulted by the neckbeards.

You can build the nicest park in the world with great landscaping, sparkling clean restrooms, etc, but if the people coming to the park are a bunch of drug dealers and felons, then that park probably won't become a staple in the community.

That's not to imply that we have druggies and criminals here, I'm just stating the toxic crew that "ran the show" here made many say "/shrug, I'll go elsewhere" while idiots lounged around going on and on about how people "couldn't cut it here".

And now look where that attitude landed things.
Hi Telamon. How are the fluffy rainbow bacon cotton candy unicorns on UOR treating you? Probably well, or you'll ban them or something of that sort. Have a nice day.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:04 pm
by Kye Smogg
Capitalist wrote:Hi Telamon. How are the fluffy rainbow bacon cotton candy unicorns on UOR treating you? Probably well, or you'll ban them or something of that sort. Have a nice day.
Little bitter and angry snowflake, how I bet you wished Telamon still visited here. I sense a little bit of jealousy and resentment that he moved on and is apparently doing quite well.

That's a first though, usually there's some clown here that thinks I'm Blaise. I can assure you I'm neither (as my IP address history will clearly indicate, maybe you should ask someone). Back to my original point - you are a shining example of the toxicity here, some bitter loser who now can't stand that everyone left. You see...when everyone was here, at least there were people here to envy whatever wealth and accomplishments you may have had. Now? You're just a nobody that nobody cares about. Sucks, doesn't it?

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:11 pm
by Capitalist
Kye Smogg wrote:
Capitalist wrote:Hi Telamon. How are the fluffy rainbow bacon cotton candy unicorns on UOR treating you? Probably well, or you'll ban them or something of that sort. Have a nice day.
Little bitter and angry snowflake, how I bet you wished Telamon still visited here. I sense a little bit of jealousy and resentment that he moved on and is apparently doing quite well.

That's a first though, usually there's some clown here that thinks I'm Blaise. I can assure you I'm neither (as my IP address history will clearly indicate, maybe you should ask someone). Back to my original point - you are a shining example of the toxicity here, some bitter loser who now can't stand that everyone left. You see...when everyone was here, at least there were people here to envy whatever wealth and accomplishments you may have had. Now? You're just a nobody that nobody cares about. Sucks, doesn't it?
Orrrr you're still a titty baby. I'll go with option 2.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:24 pm
by Roser
Kye Smogg, your narrative about UOSA population is ignorant at best and really has no bearing on the reality of the situation.

Step onto my screen and I will cut your useless shill cunt head off and shove it up your loose bruised asshole. Find a way to be helpful, spare us your garbage opinions or get the fuck out.

The "cant cut it here mentality" is a partial foundation of what built UOSA in the first place. It's what got us to 900 online. The creation of UOSA was in part a response to the poor direction UO took after this era, a direction which introduced trammel and turned the world into a bunch of care bear sissy's who really couldn't cut it at all in a "hard mode" version of the game.

The real story of why UOSA dropped in population is complex but I will break it down into three main points...

1 - Administration became absent for years
2 - UOSA was attacked and its players were persuaded through intelligent campaigns to join other servers
3 - Ultima Online trending down as a whole

We have a new administration now that is trying really hard to please their supporters, as well as thankless fuckwit's like yourself Kye Smogg, for free. UOSA is still being attacked by shitty people, stealth marketers are still here trying to persuade our players to join other servers, and Ultima Online is still trending down.

Just remember that the community of UOSA and the staff here do not engage in the underhanded stealth marketing tactics that other servers do. There is no blood on the hands on UOSA and its community in this regard.

Re: Where the hell is everyone?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:01 pm
by Kye Smogg
Roser wrote:Kye Smogg, your narrative about UOSA population is ignorant at best and really has no bearing on the reality of the situation.

Step onto my screen and I will cut your useless shill cunt head off and shove it up your loose bruised asshole. Find a way to be helpful, spare us your garbage opinions or get the fuck out.

The "cant cut it here mentality" is a partial foundation of what built UOSA in the first place. It's what got us to 900 online. The creation of UOSA was in part a response to the poor direction UO took after this era, a direction which introduced trammel and turned the world into a bunch of care bear sissy's who really couldn't cut it at all in a "hard mode" version of the game.

The real story of why UOSA dropped in population is complex but I will break it down into three main points...

1 - Administration became absent for years
2 - UOSA was attacked and its players were persuaded through intelligent campaigns to join other servers
3 - Ultima Online trending down as a whole

We have a new administration now that is trying really hard to please their supporters, as well as thankless fuckwit's like yourself Kye Smogg, for free. UOSA is still being attacked by shitty people, stealth marketers are still here trying to persuade our players to join other servers, and Ultima Online is still trending down.

Just remember that the community of UOSA and the staff here do not engage in the underhanded stealth marketing tactics that other servers do. There is no blood on the hands on UOSA and its community in this regard.
Aren't you that fat, creepy tool that thinks people want to watch his stream? You're as irrelevant as that other moron trying to talk smack, so I will also give you the one reply you likely don't deserve.

What I have is an opinion which you have become incredibly triggered by. You can believe your reasons why people no longer play here and I'll continue to believe mine. I know a group of them who left for the reasons I specified, so you just keep believing what you want to believe if it makes you feel good. The only thing wrong here is a certain part of the player base. You guys seem to constantly bring up other servers, not sure why you're so obsessed with what everyone else is doing. Move on already, they've forgotten about you.

So you can sit there, attempt to talk tough with profanities and pretend to be intelligent, but you're part of the toxic population. But I can promise you, that talk ends at your keyboard.