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UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:55 pm
by BlackFoot
Now accepting players to join the ranks of this fine organization :D

This is a guild designed to be an event oriented group. You can be a member of any other guild on other characters, not a problem. The main focus of this guild will be group gatherings and events. We hold weekly(for now) dungeon raids (not exclusive to our group), to offer a group feel to hunting. There are no stipulations as to the type of character you play or their skill level, just one that you enjoy playing. We have housing available if you need it. So when we have a scheduled grouping, log on in on your character and come for the event.

This group is also one of collecting (dont need to be apart of this) designed to help each other build collections, odd trophys, rares, buggy stuff, shoes, hats whatever you like.
Hopefully we can all make our UO lives a little more relaxed and social and help each other reach some of our UO goals.

We will be operating out of Shadowmire. A player run town north of trinsic, if you would like to read about its history you can in the UOSA museum.
More events will follow as we grow in size.
Edit: As Shadowmire has burnt to the ground we are now operating out of the museum area.

If you are a member of a different guild but are still interested in our events you are welcome to join our events, we encourage it.
So far we have been running raids and events without a banner and have had much sucess :D
Hopefully we can continue to do so.


Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:52 am
by ShastaMcNasty
I'd love to be a part of this...sounds like a lot of fun!!!

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:35 am
by BlackFoot
We will be adding interested players to the stone friday morning

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:20 am
by BlackFoot
This friday join us again for dungeon crawl
Anyone interested can join the guild then as well :D

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:55 pm
by BlackFoot
Hello out there,
I am looking for somone who can be on Friday mornings to help lead party groups on dungeon raids. As of now it is getting too large for myself to do alone.
If you can have party bars up and heal them and help organize people into heading the right direction than you are fit for the job :D

Pm or leave a message here.

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:09 pm
i would be interested in joining :).

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:04 pm
by BlackFoot
If your looking for a guild doing group activities give me a ring via pm leave a post here or irc
heres a couple of threads about what we are currently doing

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:51 am
by BlackFoot
We now have our own registered Guild irc room
Come and join if you are online

/join #UOH

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:04 am
by Omniversal
I would very much be interested in joining.

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:00 am
by BlackFoot ... 8&start=15

heres another recent hunt we went on

Anyone interested in these types of events contact me or join our IRC room #UOH

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:50 pm
by BlackFoot
We have our own guild area now that we will be helping organize events and hunts. If your not sure you want to join the group and want to see mroe jsut take a look in there very once in a while to see whats going on.

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:11 am
by BlackFoot
We are still looking to recruit. Any established players here that are willing to lead dungeon crawls anytime after 5 pm est please let us know.

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:54 pm
by BlackFoot
After another succesfull event we have found a few more people who are interested in what we do :D

Maybe you are like them and just need to coem try for yourself.
Here is a link to our most recent event.

Would like to say that one of our shadowy figeurs has put himself into the guild now :D

Welcome to DarkRadiance! ... 590#p64590

Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:14 am
by BlackFoot
Here is the latest for any potential recruit to see what we do

Saturday afternoon! Everyone shakin off a long night so lets start the day right!
We all group up at the bank and head out for some good ol outta town fun.

Today was a different mission. Lets see how many dungeons we can completely clear out as a unit! In a limited amount of time!
We head out to dungeon Shame!




Keep on rollin!!



We continue to destroy everything in our path!




This dungeon no longer offered anything to our squad! we move on!







A fight breaks out among our ranks! Warring guilds have decided to have a shoving match.
It is quickly over as the large group wont allow either opponent to die :D
Good, we need these pvper types on our run hehe





Corpse Dropper decided to be a hero and tele into the gargoyle cage! I takes some serious effort to keep his
wreckless self alive! But cant deny how effective the approach is.





Here is Mathew and Jack again messing with our hunt again :< what is with these guys. Waited for Corpse Dropper to be afk and killed him. All he had done was help our group stay alive all day.


Was an incredible night of dungeon raiding! We deffiantely made a dent in the underworlds crew!!!

Good hunting everyone.
Will catch you next time! check your calendar for updates.


Re: UOSA Society of Adventure and History

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:06 pm
by BlackFoot
Today we held our first gold hunting expedition to raise funds for future events and players to get settled with.
If you want to be part of a group that works together towards some common goals and has some fun doing it contact me.