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[TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:54 pm
by Crimson
*A sign posted to the bulletin board reads:


Art thou finding thyself constantly rejected by commonplace society? Perhaps there are those that gather in groups and hunt thy kind down in waves. Or yet, maybe thou art the type that has almost had thy hands cut from thy wrists simply for digging too deep into someone else's coinpurse, what is commonly referred to as "transferring the ownership of property". Art thou the type to shun the majority, as the majority has shunned thee?

Hear ye, brothers and sisters, for thou art not alone in thy suffering. There are others, such as I, that would like to see the outcasts of society brought together in a sort of ironic gathering. Those who wander alone, would join others of the same mirth to build a company of skilled individuals.

And, as man's greed is eternal, this company of gathered loners would hardness enough skill to lend out their skills, their swords, and their knowledge for compensation... golden compensation.

Together, those such as thyself and I could build a company so highly regarded and feared simultaneously that those in need would spend much money to acquire our services.

This, stranger, is the dream of a great army known as The Dark Company, and only those such as thee could make such an idea possible.

Crimson Nytefall"

the parchment is slightly torn, and blows haphazardly in the passing breezes. The writing, an elegant cursive handstyle, seems to be written in a rich red ink of some sort....*

[On an OOC note...]

I read this book a few years back called the Black Company... an army of soldiers, wizards and other types of people with individual skills... who would lend their services out for gold.

Anyway, I thought it'd be a nice idea to think about so I figured I'd throw this out there to see if anyone else would be interested in helping me build a roleplaying guild called The Dark Company [TDC]. I'm relatively "new"ish to the guild idea, but I figured with a group effort, it could be pulled off and we could make a decent roleplaying guild dedicated mainly to more darker-type characters, though not necessarily "evil".

Personally, I'd like to make this work with people who are mature, who like PvP, but MAINLY like roleplaying, and want to be dedicated to making such an idea work.

If you're interested, get back to me, or find me on IRC under the nickname "Crimmy".

If you got this far, thanks for reading and keeping interest.


Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:00 pm
by Daolin
Definitely plenty of rejects on the server. Your ranks will swell quickly :P

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:52 pm
by ArchaicSubrosa
Is this a mercenary guild? I mean are there laws to your Chaos? Just asking to know how to treat your members should I find them. Is it an attack on sight guild ? Or is it like I just saw so and so and he had a this and that...I want so and so dead and I want this and that...I will pay you such amount and you can keep anything else you find on said person.
Will you be the bloody hands of the blues, the dirty hands of commonplace citizens and nobles alike? Or are you out for yourselves...and care not for politics.

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:45 am
by Crimson

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:05 pm
by Teph
drop the roleplay and you might actually succeed. thats the reason i dont like roleplayers they refuse to play with non role players as if your somehow superior. a good roleplayer can shake off nonRP comments and continue in their character
odd how you talk of accepting all the rejects and then BAM impose your first requirments
i dont think your looking for rejects at all sir, just another snobby RP guild that refuses to play with the rest of us on the grounds that your "better"

anyone interested in a truely oddball,anything goes guild look no further than the scumbags though i myself am not a role player in the classical sense roleplayers are more than welcome in my guild as well as non roleplayers as well as people who dont talk at all

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:48 am
by Galm(kB)
not true most of the people i play with dont roleplay but if someone starts to roleplay

Teph wrote:drop the roleplay and you might actually succeed. thats the reason i dont like roleplayers they refuse to play with non role players as if your somehow superior. a good roleplayer can shake off nonRP comments and continue in their character
odd how you talk of accepting all the rejects and then BAM impose your first requirments
i dont think your looking for rejects at all sir, just another snobby RP guild that refuses to play with the rest of us on the grounds that your "better"

anyone interested in a truely oddball,anything goes guild look no further than the scumbags though i myself am not a role player in the classical sense roleplayers are more than welcome in my guild as well as non roleplayers as well as people who dont talk at all

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:47 am
by Teph
im sure your not all snobs, but there are many who downright refuse to play with non roleplayers

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:15 am
by Galm(kB)
yah thats true there are alot that act high and mighty i know from experience

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:28 am
by Unlimited Bladeworks
Teph wrote:im sure your not all snobs, but there are many who downright refuse to play with non roleplayers
To be fair to the roleplayers, some non-Rp'ers simply love to harass the shit out of them. In my experiences, I have had some artard spamming non-sense at me while I was at the bank. I have better things to do with my time than to interact with some bimbo that just wants to grief me.

If a non-Rp'er tries to interact with me in a reasonable way I will interact back but this is rarely the case. A lot players just want to annoy the Rp'er.

P.S. Sometimes roleplayers don't have much time to play each day. So if they choose to interact with others who have the same interests within that limited of amount of time that doesn't make the snobby. That makes them practical.

If a PvPer only has 1 hour of time to play at a given night, chances are, he will interact with other Pvpers. That doesn't make the Pvp'er a snob.

Re: [TDC] - The Dark Company (An Idea of Sorts)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:53 pm
by Unlimited Bladeworks
If your guild hasn't been created yet or if you would like to interact with other roleplayers then please check out Roleplayers United.