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UoH CTF Game Fri 14th! 3:30pm EST

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:29 am
by BlackFoot
The prize will be 6k per winning participant. 24k from entry fees plus 12k from the UoH guild.

2k per participant
The first 12 people to sign up on the date at shadowmire will be able to participate.

Best 3/5 Format

All players must be registered 30 minutes prior to the event and be at the shadowmire castle.
Teams will be randomized by UoH members.
The goal is to carry your enemy teams flag to your base while your flag is on the ground in your home base. Just like CTF games.

No poison weps
No magic weps
No magic armour
No magic items
No mounts
No pets
No leaving the duel area (even to restock)
Run out of equipment and lose - you lose
no looting
If your flag ends up in your opponents zone while their flag is there you lose.
If your team mate dies and you manage to rez during the fight he can come back into the fray.
One member of each team will be placed on the roof of the castle. They can do whatever they want to the crowd below be it heal/cast/archery/summon to the game. These two oppenents on the roof cannot harm each other directly.

This battle will take place inside Shadowmiire Castle
The goal is simple
Your team must take the ball from your opponents 'home' corner to your 'corner'
These will be well marked
You dont need to kill your opponents although that will make it easy to win you the game
The castle will be set up as to not make this an easy task.
Spectators will also be able to coem view from the roof of the castle. But be aware you can be damaged by field spells on the roof.

Come one come all!


Re: UoH 2V2 Tournament Wednesday the 17th! 12:30 pm EST

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:46 am
by Faust
I wish this would be hosted later today instead of in an hour around noon.

Does people actually even log on around this time?

Re: UoH 2V2 Tournament Wednesday the 17th! 12:30 pm EST

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:05 pm
by aXe
me // syntax.

Re: UoH 2V2 Tournament Wednesday the 17th! 12:30 pm EST

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:47 pm
by BlackFoot
Okay, that was our first attempt at it. It started really well but ran into some glitches.
Apparently somone came on a stat char and after dying couldnt rez...
that killed a team, and another guys partner left so that killed another team.
We ended up trying to sub peopel for them it didnt work.
So new rules.
(was partially more lenient because this was a test run)

We will be holding this again tomorrow at 12:30 PM EST

Entry fee is 5k Per player (10K per team)

if you or your partner fail to appear for any match for any reason you are eliminated and your fee will not be returned.
You need to be registered at the event from the start.

Re: UoH 2V2 Tournament Wednesday the 17th! 12:30 pm EST

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:54 pm
by BlackFoot
Faust wrote:I wish this would be hosted later today instead of in an hour around noon.

Does people actually even log on around this time?
yea theres quit a few on at this time always looking for somthing to do out of prime time. Easier to control smaller crowd as well :D
If we get a good system down for this we will hold it more often.
Plus the 2v2 league startign up i think these will get pretty competitive

Re: UoH 2V2 Tournament Thursday the 18th! 12:30 pm EST

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:25 pm
by BlackFoot
o yea woozys team won

Re: UoH CTF Tournament Wed 22th! 8:00 pm EST

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:20 pm
by BlackFoot
we have had two test tournys and have most kinks worked out, this is gona be fun

Re: UoH CTF Game Thu 13th! 4:00 pm EST

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:54 pm
by BlackFoot
Alright nice show guys.
Will be holding these regularily now :D