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Offering third party trading services

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:02 am
by BlackFoot
I will be offering third party trading services for anyone in need.
Odds are I will do this for you for free if it is going to be time consuming there will be a fee.
The system of trading will depend on what your trading for obvious reasons.
All prices negotiable but probably will be a set fee based on how organized you are and how time consuming it becomes.

Contact me here via forum Pm or in irc. you can send me a pm in irc or join #secondagetrade

Re: Offering third party trading services

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:06 am
by ArchaicSubrosa
I don't have any trading to do but my friends and I need a place to hone our skills that would not be interrupted by griefers. Do you have a this place for rent sign up too? I am sure I and many other people would pay to acquire these services as long as we are safe. Chum had done this once awhile back but I don't think many would trust one of his ilk. Quite a character let's leave it at that.

Re: Offering third party trading services

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:13 am
by BlackFoot
Contact Safir in irc or forum pm,
this is deffinately somthing he works on
also check player run events all the time and find UoH related events you and your friends can come grab some loots to help get started

Re: Offering third party trading services

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:04 pm
by Safir
ArchaicSubrosa wrote:my friends and I need a place to hone our skills that would not be interrupted by griefers. Do you have a this place for rent sign up too? I am sure I and many other people would pay to acquire these services as long as we are safe.
BlackFoot wrote:Contact Safir in irc or forum pm,
this is deffinately somthing he works on
also check player run events all the time and find UoH related events you and your friends can come grab some loots to help get started
Aye, The Humble Village of Awesome is always open to new players in need of a safe house to call their own until they can acquire such a place for themselves. Best thing is, The Humble Village of Awesome is absolutely free! ;)

Catch me on IRC and I'll hook you up! ;)

Re: Offering third party trading services

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:16 pm
by ArchaicSubrosa
Well I am still fresh not exactly new nor are my friends...the vacancies you have in awesome should be for those who are just beginning. I have been playing for a little over a month maybe that considered new? I had several characters already, then deleted them as I only thought you could have three chars and one account!
We arent looking for handouts either. That kind of ruins it. Showing the ropes is one thing, handing me the knot is another.
But thanks for the offer. I already have had some help from Bina...and thank you Bina if you read this.
We actually need more then a "cubicle". I have three friends who wish to macro together...we acquired thousands of regs, spindled thousands of bandages after getting the resources ourselves. We just need a larger house/area that would be undisturbed. You can lock us in with furniture and remove us in the morning before restart or something to ensure we pose no threat. And we are willing to pay...and want to. Fair is fair. If we owe a gratitude we are more then happy to repay it. Gold up front from us...or if you would be so caring a mission we must accomplish before doing so. Within our range of abilities of course, and within scope of our demeanor.