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UoH guild only Auction

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:16 pm
by Dark_Radiance
UoH Auction for Guild

This Sunday at 8pm est. there will be a guild only auction to say thank you to all of its members. This auction will be a slightly different setup, and will cost you nothing to participate in it. WHAT??? You say it will cost me nothing to bid on items?? That’s right, the way this will work is everyone will start out with 10k in money to bid on items. Once you run out of money, you simply can’t bid anymore. If someone bids higher than what you have left, they win. Any money that you have left over at the end of the auction will be carried over to the next UoH guild auction. I will be posting some of the items that will be up for bid later, but I will be adding items up to the last minute. So you’ll just have to come out Sunday night to ensure that you don’t miss out on the great items being auctioned off.

I will be opening gates from ocllo bank to the event 5mins before it starts

Re: UoH guild only Auction

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:18 pm
by Dark_Radiance
Items so far:

Chainmail Dex set -1 dex 43ar
Ringmail orc set 34ar
Studded ar set 31ar
Leather ar set 28ar
Potion Keg lot, one of each of the following: gcure, gheal, total refresh, gstr, gdex
Unkown SoS bottle treasure chest *ended up being a Metal CHEST!*
Non Id'ed lvl3 tmap chest loot, everything that was found in the chest
fort. shield set (8 piece)
Bolts of Guild Cloth
200 charges of id wands/staffs
Full Spell Book
300 of each reg
Mask set, one of each of the following: orc, red tribal, white tribal, deer, bear

Vanq Katana
15 power weapons
15 silver weapons
9 force mace weapons
12 force sword weapons
5 force fencing weapons

Re: UoH guild only Auction

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:01 pm
by Pristiq
I know I'm new to the guild and have only been on one hunt, but I'd like to attend if it's ok.