We will never delete your characters or accounts.
Beyond that, the security of your account, characters and items is entirely your responsibility. If your account is hacked, or your characters deleted we will be unable to restore it to it's previous state.
Just a heads up, this is not a new policy and precedence for this was set long ago.
It is especially ill-advised to ever use your account information for Second Age on any other shard, especially your password even if used in conjunction with another username.
Second Age stores all passwords encrypted, and no staff here have access to your passwords; however this may not be the case for all freeshards; it is advisable to always use a strong and unique password for any login on the Internet.
Good advice:
We will never ask for your password, and we also ask that you do not provide your password to any of our staff. if you need to change your password in game, use the [password command, the syntax is:Choosing a Good Password wrote: First and foremost, NEVER give your password to anyone. ``Anyone'' means your coworkers, your spouse, your systems administrator. In the event of an emergency, the sysadmin can change your password. Your system administrator never has a need to know your personal password. ....
[password <new pass> <new pass>
(Do include the [ do not include the <>)
If you have a registered account, an email will be sent to you with a code that allows you to complete the password change yourself. In this case our staff including me never see your password change request.
If you use the password command with an unregistered account, and if you are not on the same IP Address that created the account, your password request can be seen by staff. This is very much less than desirable, and something we intend to disable. It would be our preference that all password management be done unassisted.
Other Potentially helpful information:
How to Choose a Secure Password
How to Pick a Safe Password
To reiterate, to log on to another freeshard or anywhere using your UOSA account username and/or password is probably not a good idea. We will not be able to compensate anyone for losses due to account infiltration, no matter the cause.
This topic is locked because it is not meant to be a list of people who have had their accounts looted (no this has not been something that is widespread). The advice above is sufficient to protect you. Apart from wiretapping, or trojans in your system, accounts cannot be infiltrated on Second Age if you use a strong password, and do not share it with others.