How PK's ruin it for all

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How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Allyward »

You can't do anything without someone who was just bullied at school and never got over it making a PK and killing you. And yes, I understand that if I am out of the guard zone it isn't safe so I shouldn't be there, but how else are you supposed to train? I have a job so don't have all day to sit and play this game, so trying to raise my skills is's made tougher by PK's just killing you..purely because they can. Again, I wouldnt mind if I had skills to fight back..but I dont...why? Because as I try to raise them, you get PK'd. Vicious cycle.

They ruin the game for everyone...and not for PvP matches because I love to PvP...but you complain about there not being enough people on the shard, then when people do join you don't let them grow.

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Sulta »

You are not posting anything new...

What is it your suggestion to fix this that is era accurate? I think the best thing you could do is find a group of other players and group up.

Safety in numbers?

Best of luck

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Allyward »

I wasn't suggesting anything be done, other than maybe the PK's trying a challange and fighting each other or something. Short of bringing in Trammel, not a lot can be done. I agree with safety in numbers, but when those numbers are all fairly new, one flamestrike takes you out and there isn't much damage you can do I said, wouldnt mind as much if I was able to put up a defense...but short of trying to wind in and out of trees breaking a line of sight, not much I can do..

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Ralina »

if you go to era accuracy suggestions there is a poll on this topic now to try and bring in the young player system so newer players can indeed build up alil gold and safe game time ....
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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Batlin »

Make friends, form a party, join a guild, hunt together...
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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by RoadKill »

Batlin wrote:Make friends, form a party, join a guild, hunt together...

Everyone says "oh but then you barely get any loot". Well you know what, a little less loot is better than no loot at all. This is a multiplayer game. PKs do not ruin this game, they make the game. If you want a game without PKs, you don't want to be playing a T2A UO shard. FYI, perhaps you should read some guides or ask in IRC about how to get started up, there are plenty of nice players here that are willing to help in anyway possible (and I am one of them), but when I see threads like this, it makes me less eager to help.
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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Sulta »

Maybe what would help is someone who knows how to be ready and defend against pk's post a guide. It would be great if it were aimed at new players but honestly I would love the information also. I've never played pvp so I usually just run as soon as I see someone red on my screen, But I would love to know how to be ready and how to best defend myself. I'd fight back if I thought I knew how to do it, even if I lost in the beginning eventually the knowledge would pay off.

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Allyward »

Thing is, I'm not new to UO, I am new to the shard. I have played UO on and off for 10 years now, 4 of which was on OSI so I played right at the end of T2A but mainly into LBR and ML. I don't see how anyone can say PKers MAKE a game...that's ridiculous. I have played a PK char before and I know how to play one, but different shards have different rules..for example, the last shard I was on you could cast magic whilst having a weapon equiped and whilst adapting from that style of PvP back to original is difficult.

I admit that I enjoy playing a PK char, but I did't go around the graveyard or mines killing new players...where is the challange in that? I did meet a friendly PK who killed me and then revived me, which is fair enough..still annoying, but fair. It's just when you have 0 magery and limited fighting skills, or a pure PvM build and a PK comes and undoes so much you've worked for and gains them nothing. Earlier a guy stole a bow from me and a rune to brit bank..I said he can keep the bow I just wanted the rune, it was worthless to him..he purely kept it JUST so it would hinder my gameplay. Stuff like that that makes me sick. However, there are a lot of good players on this shard and for that I am thankful

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by son »

If you played UO for 10 years youd know how to train without getting pked.

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Michael Malloy »

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Ralina »

what people fail to realize is that when your new coming from a shard where thing have been nerfed back to the original style of play is hard .....point in case he /she was used to having weapons with spellchanneling on them now to nothing a player coming from a totally custom shard to this era and shard i understand completly what he /she is saying ....if pk's get the chance they are going to kill you HOWEVER what is the fun of ruining someones game time with 60 strenth and maybe 60 in gold ...geesh imo that just shows the lack of pking skills that inhabit this shard ...not all are this way infact more on the lines of its only a handful that do this type of childish playing the Real Pk's that exist on this shard have better things and bigger fish to fry

to Allyward if you need to make some gold and im online we will help you the best we can hell it is true it is best to farm in numbers and have a few macros for a quick recall .....just post to me in irc and we can help you out ...
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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by son »

I made most of my gold as a new player in town

sheep sheering
ljing etc

That way I could buy a house and train my main chars up to a respectable level before I headed out.

We all know what happens when you make a new char and head to brit gy :/ Especially alone. With that said "pks ruining it for everyone" is a stupid generalization which merits little attention.

Some pks ignore newbs
Some pks will res you
And some will dry loot you

None ruin the game for everyone.

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by RoadKill »

Allyward wrote: I admit that I enjoy playing a PK char, but I did't go around the graveyard or mines killing new players...where is the challange in that? I did meet a friendly PK who killed me and then revived me, which is fair enough..still annoying, but fair.
This is exactly how I use to PK, it was a pretty common thing too from what I remember of it. I still think PKing is still one of the things that makes this game worth playing still, most of the "Halo generation" PKs are the people you see picking off newbies.
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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Allyward »

Yeah I do agree with that...even though I am one of the rare few who LOVES PvM, I do think PvP is amazing when it is skill vs skill. This whole thread was merely to outline my hatred for skill vs newb. But, I have said my piece and I don't want to cry about it all day. When I do farm some gold and get a house though, then I'll be able to fund and fully kit MY PK...and I have my list of people to hunt

N.B No newbs/crafters will be harmed in the revenge of Sam Allywood

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Re: How PK's ruin it for all

Post by Vanatos »

I think you are an intellectual mite if you think UO is about Pk'ing. I first played UO on a very small shard at uni (about 10 players). No one macroed so you would bow down to someone who made it to GM Swords. Yet it was incredible fun having all ten fighting ONE dragon or getting stuck in wind with no food or nightmares on your tale ( We were after the black armor).

This is what makes UO as well as the roleplay. In fact I have not met a single red that actually roleplays evil (they just run up to you cast paralyze and one shot noob kill...very entertaining).

We subverted the order guild and stole high end spells like chain lightning right under Lord British's nose (while on trail for bring a dragon in town). On this shard, I find them on the ground next to the bank.

You guys are really missing out with your GM everything and picking on those who just love playing the game and not letting a computer program play it for them.

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