Guard Whack for Unknown Reason

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Guard Whack for Unknown Reason

Post by Taboo »

So, earlier today I was on Faux Pas and I tamed a mare. I was riding another mare named Le Fay and I used it to get the mare's life down. After a good pounding I said "All Stop", Le Fay stopped and I jumped on her. I tamed the mare AND waited until it was blue then gated into town. After a few bandages I was satisfied to send her into the stables and decided that walking was to slow. I jumped off Le Fay to ride it and


g whacked.

Le Fay was gone and I was grey. What I think happened is that Le Fay resumed attacking the nightmare when I got off.

The problem with this is, when taming a nightmare it takes a while and it was probably 15 minutes from the time Le Fay attacked it... If not more.

So, I basically traded a mare for a mare and the whole damn thing was a waste of time.

BTW, Derrick thx for not just giving me another mare. :roll:

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Re: Guard Whack for Unknown Reason

Post by Draggonslayer »

It sounds lke what happened to me but you turned grey.. there is a bug idk if he is aware or not the other gm was supposed to tell him.. but the peacemaking is screwing up tamers and causes pets to run all weird and if you have more then one out in town when they use it you have chance to get instant killed and you wont turn grey or anything.. its happened to me twice so far, once when I brought my dragons to bank and another when I tried claiming them from stable. Its probably something to do with new patch to peacemaking.

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Re: Guard Whack for Unknown Reason

Post by Derrick »

I'm looking into this heavily. I don't know yet what the deal is.

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Re: Guard Whack for Unknown Reason

Post by cletus »

Derrick, we had this issue on Metropolis as well.

It has to do with the flagging of pets. Specifically if you use your pet to kill an animal and accidentally target yourself with the all kill and then do all stop etc.. if you are riding the animal hours later and hop off in town it can attack you and cause you to be guardwhacked.

It is also related to the bug where you can explode +recall on a tamed dragon in town and then come back when you are blue again to cause the dragon to re-aggo on you, whacking it and the tamer and also letting you murder count the tamer.

I don't recall if there was an easy fix for this honestly, this was a year and a half ago. We would fix it and summarily it would break itself again.

A very odd runuo bug for sure

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Re: Guard Whack for Unknown Reason

Post by Derrick »

Thanks cletus. I actually did reproduce part of this accidently when playing around with our taming and pet control changes, I was on a player character and dismounted a mare at the brit bank and was guard whacked myself. In testing it seemed as though this didn't happen if I waited out the two minute combat timer after fighting with the mare, which may be an effect of some of the aggression changes that have been made, or also a result of simple luck.

I'll continue to try and solve this problem, or at least get to a point where we can give some advice on avoiding it.

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