The Base of the Pillar - The Dark Rising #1.5

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The Base of the Pillar - The Dark Rising #1.5

Post by Stargazer »

The Cult of Kerahl

Deraj's prayer ended with his hands upon the base of the great pillar. The words "The Church of Kerahl" were engraved on all four sides of the stone. In old Britannian runes, the engraving below read "Glory and praise to the Dark Lord."

"Who else will come forward and serve Lord God tonight?" Silas asked. He raised a candle up as Deraj moved to the back of the room. A woman with long black hair stepped nervously forward.
"I have come." She said.
"Why have you come seeking Lord Kerahl?" The prophet asked.
"My words aren't fancy I'm afraid. I only know what my heart guides me to."
"Very well then child. Offer your prayers to God and lay your hands on the base of the pillar."

The girl prayed quietly, the words escaping her lips like a cold breath in winter. At last she finished, and keeping her head low she placed her hands on the base of the inscribed pillar.

Sheparding her to the back of the room, Silas noted the candle flicker as waves crashed against the cliff outside. He knelt before the pillar and cried out in a loud voice, "And at thy direction the Church has been founded, oh Lord. May Your hand guide us toward cleansing this land and the inhabitants of it. Glory and praise to you, oh Kerahl, the most great!" At that, the Prophet cut open his left hand and poured blood out onto the pillar, tracing the runic markings with his life's fluid. With another loud praise to the Dark Lord, Silas stood and wrapped his hand.

Deraj stared in disapproval at this odd ritual as the Prophet and Raven stepped outside together and mounted their horses.
Founding the Church.JPG
Founding the Church.JPG (34.77 KiB) Viewed 804 times
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
Prophet of Kerahl
The Cult of the Midnight Wraiths

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