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Re: Graveyards teem with lost souls!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:40 pm
by ClowN
neon pink lizards? really?

Re: Graveyards teem with lost souls!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:25 pm
by fox_phyre
seatox- that spawn has been there for as long as i have been playing this shard. it is not related to what is going on currently as of yet i believe

Re: Graveyards teem with lost souls!

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:59 pm
by MatronDeWinter
fox_phyre wrote:seatox- that spawn has been there for as long as i have been playing this shard. it is not related to what is going on currently as of yet i believe
That was the spot where some mages stole a drum or axe or something from the earth, the orcs burried it there and attacked the humans because um, the axe/drum was a magical barrier blocking a monster from appearing. Thing appeared, got its but kicked, everyone got 124234 trophy points, the drum/axe was at museum, then I think the URK guild "stole" it back at a later event or something.

Biate was the monster the orcs sealed away, it was an earth elemental. No idea why it is a bubblegum salamander now.

Re: Lord Dupre orders expedition 3-27-10 8PM EST

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:42 pm
by Yoda
Here is the latest description of the lizard called Biate. Its possible the pink is due to a custom hue.mul file.

Re: Lord Dupre orders expedition 3-27-10 8PM EST

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:22 pm
by gzuf
Yoda wrote:Here is the latest description of the lizard called Biate. Its possible the pink is due to a custom hue.mul file.

Re: Lord Dupre orders expedition 3-27-10 8PM EST

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:05 am
by Horvik
Yea could be my custom hues, anyone know where i can get regular hues than?
I first thought that it was pink cause of my hue files but than i asked others around graveyard and they said it was pink.

Re: Lord Dupre orders expedition 3-27-10 8PM EST

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:15 pm
by Yoda
You can find the hue.mul file in the client download from the website, or if you have a UO cd. Just go into the directory, should be under the main UO folder and look for hue.mul.

Re: Lord Dupre orders expedition 3-27-10 8PM EST

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:23 pm
by uofuntime
Ahhh.... so it was not intentionally neon pink. Kinda liked it as neon pink though.

How's the story developing? Anyone notice anything new? Still lots of spawn at Moonglow GY. I like it. Can get quick gold.

Re: Lord Dupre orders expedition

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:39 pm
by Yoda
Early in the day today, we caught wind of a possible attempt to assassinate Lord British. A small band of Order Guards, led by The Distinguished Michael, who is the Order Guard commander, set out to investigate. The attempts to locate any further information proved futile until he was approached by a citizen by the name of Pied Piper. He sold the information to Lord British for a small price. He had seen this assassin in the basement of a tavern just north of the east Britain bank. Upon further investigation we did find evidence that he was poisoning food. Unfortunately that did not offer any further leads, though it did confirm the attempt on Lord British.

We returned to the castle and the citizens took to the streets to hunt down this assassin. Maegus found him attempting to scale the outer walls of the castle. The Order Guard commander was quickly notified. They arrived to catch him red handed. He was taken into custody and then placed in the Trinsic jail.

Thinking we had the assassination attempt squashed, I have to admit the we let our guard down. We absolutely underestimated our new enemy.

Lord Dupre had organized an expedition to uncover the roots of the increased activity at the graveyards. Little was known except for the name Dark Mage Council. Dupre assembled his militia in Cove and they set off for the Cove graveyard. The encountered an even higher activity then reported. They battled heavily for about 10 minutes. Biate was seen in what we fear to be full form, though only stayed for literally a second. We found a book from the council on one of the evil mages. It appeared to be more of a jornal. It stated the mage council had come out of hiding, and had set up a headquarters in the old necromancer chambers in the Yew crypts. Another journal stated that the council had successfully recovered the axe that Lord British had sealed Biate away with.

From there we moved to the burial site to check the validity of these journal. We found that the site had been in fact dug up. The Orcs from the Bloodrock orc fort greeted us, and unfortunately due to the orc's reputation, were attacked on sight. Once we established they were trying to tell us something, we found out more of our predicament. Kraarug of the Bloodrock Orc's told us that we were up against a order of the dark arts going by the name of the "Dark Council". He informed us that they had recovered the axe and were awakening Biate, and that he has almost returned to full strength. They have given him the ability to call upon "minions". These are basically weaker versions of himself. Knowing full well what we were up against, Lord Dupre asked for the Orc's help. "Hopefully this will also help bring our people together."

No sooner than that had been said, we received word that Britian was under heavy attack! Lord Dupre and the militia returned to Britian as quickly as possible to find its streets full of undead creatures, and evil mages. Unfortunately it appeared that the earlier attempt on Lord British today was only a ruse, and the true attempt against our king was taking place!

Guards were unable to maintain complete control of the town and several places in the city were covered in an evil darkness. Many fine warriors gave there lives to protect the King, and it was not in vain. The attack was successfully thwarted.

This is the first in several battles to come I fear. I see red sky's on the horizon.

You can expect to see us strengthen our defenses in our cities, as fast as we can build them. I suspect we have not seen a foe so great since Shal`Etar.

Be ready! Stand vigilant! The time when you great citizens shall be called upon again is short!

Re: Attempt on Lord British's life

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:04 am
by Boone
Nice event! :)

Re: Attempt on Lord British's life

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:14 pm
by Shea
Definitely fun. I believe I killed a lesser version if Biate and I received a lot of gems. Ready to defend!

Re: Attempt on Lord British's life

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:35 pm
by uofuntime
love killing the biate! explodes like a pinata of gems.

Please post some screencaps if you managed to take some.

Re: Attempt on Lord British's life

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:28 pm
by ehafh
started seeing more fortification around brit, in the way of palisades partially blocking entrance.

is the next event going to be a random unannounced day / time?

Re: Attempt on Lord British's life

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:41 am
by ghouldani
My name is Adam and I am co-founder of the Anti-Orc League. On the 27th, The AOL arose to the call of the King, not only to show allegiance to the crown, but also allegiance to blood. With the orc's involvement, it became more than duty to king and country, it was duty to all mankind. Fellow orc-smasher Brady also joined the fight. With the Doom Crew united, the orcs could be properly punished for the dark times they ushered into our once pure land.

We assembled in cove as instructed, waiting for the time to unleash the true power of Britannia. The signal was thrown and onward to hell's grasp we marched. The unholy army of the undead awaited us with Dark Mage Council scum in tow. Those filthy creatures, what did they unleash? I shed my lifeblood several times to ensure this wretched horde would be trounced where it spawned.

Lo and behold, this perversion was not the end! Upon returning from the spirit realm for the third time, I heard news of the dark mages excavating to the west. With my steed resting in the afterlife, I equipped my armor and staff. I knew the journey would be long and perilous but the mystery of this orcish bastardization had to be solved!

As I embraced the horizon of the excavation site, I came across a lonely mare. I fed her the last of my fruit rations and she seemed to accept me as master. Upon mounting, I smelled that rotten stench that could only come from one such abomination: an orc. Without hesitation, I swung my staff into it's skull, a grotesque "Nub" escaped its mouth followed by a fatal energy bolt.

Upon my fourth resurrection, I find that Lord Dupre, in all his desperation, has stooped so far down as to construct an alliance with the orcs. Human and orc blood on the same battlefield for the same cause? I hadn't any time to make sense of this madness for Britain was under siege! I had my staff, armor, and horse primed for glory. For king and country I ride.

I rode hard into the wall of walking dead; many of Britain's ancestor's required a second smiting. Crypt-cured bones and pustulous, preserved flesh littered my killing field. But as the saying goes, "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." Once more my journey took me to the ethereal plane. While there, I observed the invasion quashed by my brothers in arms. My solace in death was the knowledge that the Sons and Daughters of Britain safe from the forces of least for the moment.

I encountered my own personal darkness after leaving the shard and receiving correspondance about my mistake. I found that if I were to have stayed for fellowship and celebrate our victory I would have been awarded with a trophy indicating the part I played in the initial defense of Britain. I humbly ask thee, may I be granted the same accommodation and recognition as the rest of Britannia's finest? May I break free from the shroud of the unknown warrior?

Re: Attempt on Lord British's life

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:42 am
by Horvik
Damn i was fighting in nujelm graveyard last night for abut 5 hours, killing tons of undead. Than i left my mage all night macroing magery and this morning i thought i go check out if i can cast Energy vortex now so i went to Nujelms Graveyard again. And damn, first of all there was like 15 dark mages and 3 liches plus 20 other lesser undead in there. I casted a meteor shower on them than all of a sudden these mage lords that keep teleporting at you, 5 of them just teleported to me and killed me off instantly. Took me several tries to retrieve my body plus they looted about 150 regs from me. I menaged to drag out one of them to town and kill him, they drop around 500gp and 20 plus regs and maicals.

So everyone please, go to nujelm, its the best spot for group pvm now. And for god sake group your selfs, this is nothing anyone can solo fight without a huge risk of death. I allso noticed that blue npc that die in nujelm that are fighting undead and mages become grey and drop magical weapons, got a silver sword from them.