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Re: gaining resist

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:55 am
by SirEricKain
You can't be in town, you have to take damage to gain resist now.

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:27 am
by Jadow Valroth
Guess I should have added that I'm not in town, have skill points available, ect.

I went through 1800 of each FS Reg, and didn't gain a single 0.1. Still at 94.2.

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:11 pm
by MatronDeWinter
You can gain resist in town if your attacker is out of town. Hence, a gaggle of npc mages camped outside the guardzone, casting on you inside the zone, will gain resist.

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:35 am
by Orbanaz
MatronDeWinter wrote:You can gain resist in town if your attacker is out of town. Hence, a gaggle of npc mages camped outside the guardzone, casting on you inside the zone, will gain resist.
This only works to a certain point now. I think mid 70's is when it stopped for me after the patch.

I had 3 groups of 5 NPC mages and rotated them so they would regen mana. I hit around 75 and then didn't get any gains for hours.

Since resist is now based partially off damage, and they only hit for 1 damage per spell, I don't think this is effective at higher levels anymore.

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:34 pm
by lotus39
Orbanaz wrote:
MatronDeWinter wrote:You can gain resist in town if your attacker is out of town. Hence, a gaggle of npc mages camped outside the guardzone, casting on you inside the zone, will gain resist.
This only works to a certain point now. I think mid 70's is when it stopped for me after the patch.

I had 3 groups of 5 NPC mages and rotated them so they would regen mana. I hit around 75 and then didn't get any gains for hours.

Since resist is now based partially off damage, and they only hit for 1 damage per spell, I don't think this is effective at higher levels anymore.

Anyone tried this recently?

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:19 pm
by Royksopp
So, they are not really keeping the shard old school then? Slowly just turning into what it wasn't suppose to be? Yikes...

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:04 am
by Koden
I am in the 60s, I have been pulling a titan to a grass island and letting him cast away while I bandage every 20.5 sec. Can't go afk but after his first big hits you can read a book and gain some resist + healing for the cost of pots and bandage.

Re: gaining resist

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:00 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Get two boats, on the front of one trap a ton of imps if you have a tamer. I say imps because you can target by type that way you wont break a sweat setting a macro to target by type attack last target spamming it. With mages you have to set absolute targets for each individual one. Plus imps are more abundant and less of a loss to lose then wyrms. You can use mages but the macro is long, it sucks, and its better to do with a notepad. (You want about 25-30 mages or imps)

On the other boat get two healers (You should make a healer on each account). You want to put the one gaining resist in front opposing the other boat. Make sure the casting boat is outside guard zone, make sure the healing boat is inside guard zone.

What you want to do is attack the imps just on screen and move forward one until they cast on the one gaining resist. If you do not do this they will start targeting your healers and it gets hairy after that. Spam the target by type attack last constantly. Stay 25 seconds in range and 55 seconds one movement back out of range. Be ready to say forward one or back one in case you start getting overwhelmed at any time.

You want to do this before gaining magery on that or another character who will finish him off. A good stopping point is 85.5. You can go higher but it takes forever. In this way you get a good jump on resist. A mistake many including myself has made is jumping the gun on raising magery which makes gaining resist more and more difficult as you progress in magery even in fails but resist gets left behind as the spell must succeed in order to gain.

(I am taking into consideration you have used firefield on yourself until I think it's roughly 52-55, and that you have someone to gate.)