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Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:44 pm
by Derrick
Foopy wrote:Derrick thank you so freakin much for posting that screen of us. I haven't seen any since our old website went down and will begin sharing it immediately. I even remember the owner of the merch shop to the right- Blacklin. We were absolute garbage at PvP then but we weren't a true PVP guild until a year or so later. I would imagine the fools in black would be either -S-(Shadow Syndicate) or AoD (Army of Darkness).
My pleasure. So few screenshots of mine from era have survived the years; I'm really glad now that this one did.

We've had a few "era screenshot threads" but they keep getting buried. I think it'd be nice to have a screenshots by shard in which people could throw up what they have. What may be miscellaneous to one person might be gold to another.

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:38 am
by Foopy
Derrick wrote:
Foopy wrote:Derrick thank you so freakin much for posting that screen of us. I haven't seen any since our old website went down and will begin sharing it immediately. I even remember the owner of the merch shop to the right- Blacklin. We were absolute garbage at PvP then but we weren't a true PVP guild until a year or so later. I would imagine the fools in black would be either -S-(Shadow Syndicate) or AoD (Army of Darkness).
My pleasure. So few screenshots of mine from era have survived the years; I'm really glad now that this one did.

We've had a few "era screenshot threads" but they keep getting buried. I think it'd be nice to have a screenshots by shard in which people could throw up what they have. What may be miscellaneous to one person might be gold to another.
Hell it's obvious that we got rolled in that screen but it's just nice having some photographic evidence of the impact we made on a heyday production server. That house was one of the biggest PVP hot spots until well into UOR.

For me personally, the randomness of what we engaged in as players was as memorable as the PvP we did as UO pros. The first thing I did with what would become my main was run into Covetous dieing and staloss auto rezzing while saying "Sproing". Coincidentally it was probably 2001 before I ever 7x'ed a character.

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:16 pm
by Octavious
Drunk Monk wrote:A*G was Atomic Gods right? I remember fighting some of you guys
Atomic Godz yes sir

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:58 am
by Dizzy
Wow drunk monk, did u used to hang out around yew bank, on and around the rooftop? kinda remember that i played as DizzY and Johar.. Nutz II too but was a thief and primarily used the thief kit to change names.. And remember LoD outside of vesper , fought with those guys alot, mainly gettin ganked when i was new lol. Fun times for sure

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:40 am
by Drunk Monk
Yeah, Yew and Vesper mainly. If anyone starts up one of those old guilds here, hit me up. I see a couple, but not very active.

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:37 pm
by Azile
I played Chesapeake during the era as Azile. Was always red and primarily only was in the new land hunting. Orc fort was a fave. Fought Cloud a few times. Nash, a nasty dex fighter was the nemesis of ours. He had a fast connection and built the dex fighter perfect and always had pots etc, rode a llama. We all took stat loss at least once to him. I have quite a few screenshots of then, as I had a website.rant site during that time as well. Was friends with all the wtfman crew as well, but they were on a different server. Everyone quit prior to UO:R, disgusted with the upcoming changes as well as some recent changes. We had some bad GM encounters then also, once deleted our fleet and killed all the reds macroing causing statloss. But truly it was because Asheron's Call came out and we played it more. That was end of Nov 1999.

Some debates on the accuracy people are having are interesting. Example: All Kill command. I can tell you it did not function correctly during the T2A era until I quit. We all started tamers as an attempt to combat the anti pk tamers that were harassing us always. Did this in the summer 99. I recall quite vividly being very pissed off because I could never get All Kill to work correctly and Azash and I searched high and low the boards and the guides trying to figure out what we were doing wrong, and we finally came across a command list for pets and All Kill was not on it. Realized that All Kill was either a broken command or not intended. But we could spam it to get A to attack, first tamed to attack, then when it died, the next would begin etc. All guard was better.

Also Hally Mage was popular, certainly among pvpers, but I would hardly say it ruled the school. I never once played a pk Mage or otherwise that was that build. Chain paralyzes was far more effective also as a killing tactic, seems hardly mentioned here. We also used wands and staves etc, to us, greater explodes and wands and staves along with magic was highly effective.

I seem to remember using archery a fair deal on my Mage as a weapon alternative, and was very good at abusing the archery system, which most never understood. Yes we had to run right next to the moving target, start the shot and wait for release and damage before moving if you wanted it to be capable of finishing a target. I always knew it was the same combat system as melée weapons just with a large range, glad to see that confirmed, not many believed me back then.

I primarily pked and some pvp, but like any red, when faced with a serious pvp 7x gm etc, it was often a case of "how do I get out of this" than any thoughts of l33t skills and trying to have a hally Mage god pvp template and trying to win. Those fonts took forever and often led to more blues joining the fight, facing the stat loss and the prospect of macroing again, which was illegal unattended, it was rarely worth the long effort to kill a seasoned blue.

So my perspective on the era is highly red and a bit skewed, but I sure loved it and remember a lot about the mechanics and that era.

It is good to be back.


Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:29 pm
by hectorc2w
sup foopy, hector/holly lee djee oin/nfc here. been a long time

azile i remember you too !

"DsR was far and away my favorite guild to fight because you guys never offscreened and had some genuinely good people in your guild which was not something that could be said for OiN, KoC and NfC (Hector, Ironfist Max and several other people were exceptions)."

haha thanks for naming me ;)

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:31 pm
by hectorc2w
WOODY wrote:anyone from guild s^c?
lol i still have cymon/romeo/zakk wylde/OP on icq..yet i havnt talked to any of them in years

i used to have the small house right north of cy's tower and was good friend with them

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:46 am
by Azile
Ha, I remember Hector now too.

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:29 am
by Foopy
hectorc2w wrote:sup foopy, hector/holly lee djee oin/nfc here. been a long time

azile i remember you too !

"DsR was far and away my favorite guild to fight because you guys never offscreened and had some genuinely good people in your guild which was not something that could be said for OiN, KoC and NfC (Hector, Ironfist Max and several other people were exceptions)."

haha thanks for naming me ;)
Hey man. You play here? Really there was only one person from those guilds I and basically nobody else could stand. Just happens that guy was in all 3.

When did you join c2w by the way? I'm pretty sure you've had accounts on every free server I've played- Divinity, Hybrid, Redemption and Hubris, but I can't remember the last time I actually crossed your path since Hubris when most of us were in Eval's guild.

I could use someone to knock the rust off of me when I get a PvP'er assembled. I'm actually managing to get worse at UO as the years go by.

S^C shared a few members with LoD iirc.

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:22 pm
by hectorc2w
i founded c2w with grey on ipy, i've been running under the names hector, holly lee djee, r daneel olivaw, isaac asimov and couple others. i rarely use hector anymore :p

and i havnt played here in a month or so, everytime i log in i cant find any pvp

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:56 pm
by Foopy
hectorc2w wrote:i founded c2w with grey on ipy, i've been running under the names hector, holly lee djee, r daneel olivaw, isaac asimov and couple others. i rarely use hector anymore :p

and i havnt played here in a month or so, everytime i log in i cant find any pvp
I haven't seen much either but I haven't been looking for it. Starting to think the only place to find it will be IPY because I hesitate to call the bola taming and scripted dumps you see on Hybrid PVP either; not to mention 90% of it happens at pseudo trammel duel pits.

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:55 am
by Strifen
Foopy, it's been like 8 years, but this is Strifen from EWH. I used to play with you guys on LoD road for many the hours. :)

How the heck are ya? And how is the T2A shard going for you?

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:00 pm
by Strifen
Foopy! Not sure if my message ever posted but here it goes again! I used to play with you guys on LoD road for years! Such a nostalgic experience seeing you on here. I remember all the good days of learning how to PvP and getting slaughted by KoC. The old fun guild I used to GM was EwH, oooooh the good old days. . . . How the heck are ya?

Re: Any old enemies from Chesapeake around?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:57 pm
by ironfistmax
Hi Foopy, hope you and the LoD guys are doing good.