Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by nightshark »

Derrick stated nothing changed regarding weapons. Matt, I think the problem you are having is in regards to the new swing timer changes. Your swing will not advance unless you completely stop moving for a moment.

Before: You had to stand still to get your weapon timer to tick, once the swing was ready, it was ready forever.

Now: You don't have to stand still to get the weapon timer to tick, but you do have to stand still to get the swing state to advance. Swings are not held, so the swing will not be "ready forever", the counter will restart.
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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Grom »

nightshark wrote:Derrick stated nothing changed regarding weapons. Matt, I think the problem you are having is in regards to the new swing timer changes. Your swing will not advance unless you completely stop moving for a moment.

Before: You had to stand still to get your weapon timer to tick, once the swing was ready, it was ready forever.

Now: You don't have to stand still to get the weapon timer to tick, but you do have to stand still to get the swing state to advance. Swings are not held, so the swing will not be "ready forever", the counter will restart.
Ok, bit of a rant here, but I'll keep it as short and to the point as I can as to not waste peoples time.

I have to admit, I ended up being really dissapointed in this patch. I keep throwing this out there, since I was not a T2A player, that I'm no expert on the era, but this just seems like a broken system, less broken then the last, but still broken. From what I've gathered, prior to T2A, timers would advance and you could swing while moving, after T2A, you could also do this, but for some reason, people think that during T2A, you couldn't?

I don't exactly go browsing ancient forums for accuracy like some of the guys here (nor do I find that a reliable source of accuracy personally), but I do know this much. People consistently say hally mages were amazing during this era because people didn't have gm resist, yet on this server, a server where most people have GM resist, Hally mages are still at a serious advantage over other styles of play.

Imo, there should be no reason why warriors would have to randomly stop to swing there weapon, it makes no sense, and hell even your first hit you CAN hit while on the move, its just every hit after that isn't letting you for some reason. This system just lets mages get in consistent heals since you can't stay on them and swing away, either canceling out or out dps'ing minor heals, or interrupting greater heals, it doesn't happen because warriors have to stop for some unknown reason, something that was not in the previous era, nor the era after, and I can't see the logic of it being in this era.

I know that people want accuracy on this shard, accurate to the era, but for it to be completely accurate, there would have to be a lot of bugs, exploits, duping, and others also introduced to the server. We obviously don't want that, and don't implement it. Why on earth we implement other bugs though, is beyond me. I consider this gimping of warrior classes a bug personally, I also consider "all follow me" refreshing a bug, and I can see no reason why either of these things are considered desirable simply cause they were in the era, by that standard, you might as well just allow other exploits/bugs/duping too for "accuracy".

my two cents at least, coming from a non-T2A player, but someone who obsessively reads these forums trying to learn more about this server. I like the server, Derricks awesome, the servers stable and legitimate vs other shards that do their own custom scripts or have cash shops/paid voting/trammel, but I just can't understand the logic of implementing broken mechanics when they were considered broken and changed either during the era or immediately after you "accuracy" cutoff, or even questionable of existing in the first place based off random comments from who knows who on forums so long ago, when basically everyone was a noob to mmo's and generally didn't know what they were talking about. I'm not asking you to eliminate the hally mage like UO:R did, I am asking you to reconsider your stance on, what I and other non-hally mage players consider broken mechanics. Until it's changed, us fighters will manage by bringing numbers to fights, but it'd be nicer to be able to have more balance on the field.

edit: don't get me wrong, this is an improvement from the last system, it still has the same problem though, having to stop. A dexers strength always came from his ability to relentlessly chase someone down, forcing them to stop is really counter intuitive.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Faust »

Swings did not advance during movement and was removed shortly after the UOR publish.
Mini-Update Apr 28 2000 3:30PM CST - http://update.uo.com/design_195.html wrote:Players using melee weapons in combat will now hold their swing until their target is in range. Additionally, the timer that determines melee weapon swing times (combat timer) will now advance as the player is moving. Thus, melee weapon users will no longer be required to stop moving before swinging.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by benny- »

As Faust pointed out, this was the patch that made dexxers far more powerful....suddenly, a warrior with a highspeed wep (such as the longspear) was deadly to a mage....it was but one of many many features that came with Renn (I believe, on the exact day of it's release actually...) I believe there's even a flash video about this patch somewhere...

I've always been partial to dexxers myself, but contrary to what Matt claims, T2A was anything but "the era of the pure warrior"....t2a was the hally mage....that is not to say a dexxer wasn't or couldn't here be viable....but they were the underdog to be sure.
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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Joueur Moyen »

benny- wrote:As Faust pointed out, this was the patch that made dexxers far more powerful....suddenly, a warrior with a highspeed wep (such as the longspear) was deadly to a mage....it was but one of many many features that came with Renn (I believe, on the exact day of it's release actually...) I believe there's even a flash video about this patch somewhere...

I've always been partial to dexxers myself, but contrary to what Matt claims, T2A was anything but "the era of the pure warrior"....t2a was the hally mage....that is not to say a dexxer wasn't or couldn't here be viable....but they were the underdog to be sure.
No way.

Well played dexers owned mages in this era. That's why hally mages stayed in their little dueling cliques with special rules and whatnot.

The field was not full of hally mages like it was filled with heavy xbow mages during the pre-t2a archery days. The hally mage might have been a fun dueling template, but fencers and macers were plentiful. Archers were pretty much nerfed in PvP, but that was coming down from overpowered.

Mages ran from dexers. That was survival.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Derrick »

Lag issues and a small bug with the "no advance on moving" have been fixed. Can someone provide an update on the status of quarterstaff speed? Does it seem right now?
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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by SoundofGod »

Wanna see something really funny?

Drink a Greater Agility Pot and then a TR, swing a kryss at something.

THAT is 120 dex?


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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Faust »

Kryss sitting at a 100 stam or 120 stam have the same swing rate(1.25s). On top of that there is a cap of 1.25s for a delay to begin with. A kryss cannot swing any faster than a character with a 100 stamina on here. The only bonus that a greater agility offers in this scenario is the ability to have more stamina that in return allows you to swing faster much longer than if it were vice versa.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Matt »

Derrick wrote:Lag issues and a small bug with the "no advance on moving" have been fixed. Can someone provide an update on the status of quarterstaff speed? Does it seem right now?
Thank you for looking into this! I am going to jump on my dexer right now. I'm actually somewhat excited to play.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Matt »

Derrick wrote:Lag issues and a small bug with the "no advance on moving" have been fixed. Can someone provide an update on the status of quarterstaff speed? Does it seem right now?
What is the definition of "stopping?" I think that might be the crux of this problem. I can run up to my mage and hit him the first time and run away (into a wall), stop briefly, run back into my mage-- repeat this several times and not swing once. It still doesn't seem quite correct to me but I will have to test it on other players instead of my idle mage sitting in the house.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Faust »

I. Swings do not hold in a held state when the delay elapses.
II. The swing timer is calcuated every single tick(0.25s) and will 'advance' to a swing at the end of a weapon's delay that you are currently holding(wrestling if one isn't present).
III. You will not 'advance' to a swing if your character is moving when this calculation is processed at the end of the weapon delay. <--- Definition of 'not moving'.

You are not meeting one or more of the criteria if a swing isn't taking place.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Matt »

Someone just attacked me on foot at the cem. He managed to run all the way down to the guard zone without dying. I had the qstaff equipped and blocked his path 4 or 5 times. Something is not right with this patch. The swinging is all off. For hally mages it will work great. Dexers have been screwed and this is not era accurate.

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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Derrick »

Matt wrote:Someone just attacked me on foot at the cem. He managed to run all the way down to the guard zone without dying. I had the qstaff equipped and blocked his path 4 or 5 times. Something is not right with this patch. The swinging is all off. For hally mages it will work great. Dexers have been screwed and this is not era accurate.
As I've requested above, please send an in game page. this literally makes no sense and is not reproducible.
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Re: Quarter staff swing speed = inaccurate

Post by Matt »

Derrick wrote:
Matt wrote:Someone just attacked me on foot at the cem. He managed to run all the way down to the guard zone without dying. I had the qstaff equipped and blocked his path 4 or 5 times. Something is not right with this patch. The swinging is all off. For hally mages it will work great. Dexers have been screwed and this is not era accurate.
As I've requested above, please send an in game page. this literally makes no sense and is not reproducible.
OK next time I'm on I'll send a page.

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