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Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:17 pm
by Kefka
Grim, stop lying, nobody believes you.

I used the tree hack on other shards, but stopped because it corrupted my map file too much. It allowed me to run MUCH faster around the forest, nobody could catch me, and I could catch everyone else.

First hand experience here bro, it does help, so stop lying, and stop cheating (unless derrick says it's OK!)

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:54 pm
by Mirage
Grim wrote:actually it makes it harder to run around trees that way, I get stuck on them all the time the pattern for trees is square for so I get stuck on corners that I dont see all the time so plz talk less..
so ur saying when we beat u in the 1v1's 2v2's 3v3's and on Ice Island the other day no trees really helped there since there is SOOO MANY TREES THERE!
So NOW you're trying to say not only is it not an advantage but a disadvantage?

Why are you so defensive Mr if you can't beat em join em? Obviously you think its an advantage and that's why you're using it.

BTW you won 1 3v3 on ice island, dont forget we dropped hiros thounds thooper, and 75% of the other fight you had a fourth person in and out of the fight.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:16 pm
by alatar
Grim wrote:actually it makes it harder to run around trees that way, I get stuck on them all the time the pattern for trees is square for so I get stuck on corners that I dont see all the time so plz talk less..

so ur saying when we beat u in the 1v1's 2v2's 3v3's and on Ice Island the other day no trees really helped there since there is SOOO MANY TREES THERE!
I was under the impression that the tree-hack allows you to cut corners you wouldn't normally be allowed to cut. One good example is the Log Cabin housing, even though we don't have these, you could cut the corner and walk in the house even if somebody was standing directly in front of the walk-way.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:25 pm
by Clyde-
Explain why the fuck you would be using it if it was a disadvantage? And explain why you would use it if it wasn't an advantage or disadvantage? Clearly you use it because it DOES help you...i know if i could chase people and not have so many goddamn trees on my screen i'd be a lot better off too. Stop lying.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:03 pm
by Grim
You guys are to damn funny i swear the only advantage that thing gives u is u can see your targets easier, it does not help me run faster through the forest.... it does not let me cut corners that shouldnt be cut.... I actually get stuck more with it than without it

as for the fight in ice island... u did kill one thooper but how many of u died all night? i cant even remember.. and everytime we dropped u it was 3v3 when we had 4 u guys stayed alive..

and all the tree removal program does is take the current graphics and turn it into a stump... thats it it doesnt effect anything else

so plz shut up

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:22 pm
by Choppa X
Wow, I can't believe these people here are crying "YOU GUYS HACK TO WIN" for using the tree stump patch. If you have played any other free shard (this is not the first one), you would have used it. When you are able to remove the tree foliage that obstructs views and is quite annoying to play with, why wouldn't you. With razor you can use target random target, so why are you actually trying to target people through trees anyway? Looks like you guys are trying to find any excuse possible for sucking.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:31 pm
by Mirage
Choppa X wrote:Wow, I can't believe these people here are crying "YOU GUYS HACK TO WIN" for using the tree stump patch. If you have played any other free shard (this is not the first one), you would have used it. When you are able to remove the tree foliage that obstructs views and is quite annoying to play with, why wouldn't you. With razor you can use target random target, so why are you actually trying to target people through trees anyway? Looks like you guys are trying to find any excuse possible for sucking.
Otherfree shard experience is totally irrelevant. It's called "treehack" for a reason. Removing "tree foliage that obstructs views and is quite annoying to play with" is an advantage, so is knowing exactly where the base of a tree is at when you're running through forests. And when you're fighting when do you honestly use target random target, espically field fighting?

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:43 pm
by Choppa X
When calling targets? Once you have bars up anyway, sticky bars makes it a no brainer.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:11 pm
by Mazer
Alatar has yet to explain to me how Andy is in his guild after Alatar used him as an 'evidence' that plusminus uses auto-tab loops. And here he is making up bullshit about being able to enter log cabins using the so called treehack. You can not cut corners because the treehack is purely visual on the client side fuckstick. With sticky bars, the advantage is pretty nominal.

Again, more of the usual bitching from the people that can't keep up with us. I'm glad I don't need to log in to help out.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:36 pm
by kill drizitz
andy autotabed himself. platy recorded a vid on it. cool pics grim, tho half werent in the field. sux u joined +- tho.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:59 am
by Kefka
The treehack isn't just for targeting. It's easy to fly through the forest with it, considering you can see an exact, clear path, where you can run. With it, I rarely bump into a tree, without it, i get stuck on trees all the time.

Someone that cheats/exploits/hacks is one thing, someone that cheats/hacks/exploits, gets caught, and denies any wrongdoing is another.

And the reason people get so PISSED about this shit, is because if you're caught exploiting one hack/chat/whateveryouwanttocall it to give yourself an advantage, LORD ONLY KNOWS what else you're doing.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:02 am
by Kefka
On another note, i fail to see how any of your screenshots are even worth viewing.

Nobody wants to see ganking screenshots, post some 1vs1 stuff for, or 1vs2 (with you being the 1).

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:40 am
by Grim
Kefka wrote:On another note, i fail to see how any of your screenshots are even worth viewing.

Nobody wants to see ganking screenshots, post some 1vs1 stuff for, or 1vs2 (with you being the 1).

Most of those pics are fights with TW the other night 3v3 4v3(we had 4 a few times) note we were also fighting them on statloss pks...
they just offscreened alot and died :}

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:35 pm
by Slade
Grim wrote: note we were also fighting them on statloss pks...
So what? I fail to see why people think this is a big deal. It's not like your character explodes if you die in statloss.

Re: Field Fighting from 12/30/08-12/31/08

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:42 pm
by keuse
+ - are and always will be the biggest bunch of obsessed UO playing losers I have ever encountered in my eight years of playing ultima online.