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Re: Lola FitzOwens's Special Delivery 12/13/15 @ 11:30am EST

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:22 am
by dren
l3s0Kz8.jpg (194.89 KiB) Viewed 4146 times
Pirates have built a bridge to the land. A group fights Captain Mack.
13IjcUq.jpg (243.45 KiB) Viewed 4146 times
Kain was captured on board and is rescued.
HEZttYv.jpg (250.16 KiB) Viewed 4144 times
The ship is pillaged for it's treasures.
ojq3aGO.jpg (125.46 KiB) Viewed 4144 times
Kain is returned to his castle. He and Lola give out quite a large amount of additional rewards to those who have stayed around. I should have screenshotted this, but I peeked in the chest and it looked to be around 500k gold, some silver and it was filled with vanquishing and power magic weapons, and items to the brim.

This is the last of the screenshots from our end. If somebody else has screenshots feel free to add them on this page. :)

Re: Lola FitzOwens's Special Delivery 12/13/15 @ 11:30am EST

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:34 am
by dren
Ali wrote:Awesome Event!!

Thank you so much to everyone involved!

Never been to an event where so much gold was dropped

Glad we could provide some excitement close to the UOSA anniversary and the end of the year.

For those who missed the end of the event, I hope you had a lot of fun in the parts you could attend. For those who could not attend the event due to straggling too far behind or arriving late and running into griefers, I apologize but this was outside of our control. In fact, we all expected significantly more griefing than occured.

The total amount of gold dropped at this event, not counting NPCs was approximately 750,000gp.

An undisclosed amount of silver, and magic weapons were dropped. There were rares recovered, some rares were available in other treasure areas not pictured in screenshots and were obtainable only with stealing. If you happened to steal some of these rares feel free to upload screenshots. :)

The total value of this event was *well* over 1,000,000 in gold, silver, and items.

Thanks again to IL for donating 500,000gp and MoB for all of their donations: Gold, silver, magic weapons/items, etc.

We had nearly 30 people show up at different times throughout the event, I had expected Smith might be abducted, or that we would all die. Everything turned out much better than could be imagined by myself and the whole event was amazing.

Thanks also to staff and MoB for the many hours spent preparing and assisting w/ this event.

Special thanks to Boomland Jenkins, and the rest of staff for providing trophies and additional treasures.

Oliver de Warren please do see me in the case you haven't yet upon reading this post!

Re: Lola FitzOwens's Special Delivery 12/13/15 @ 11:30am EST

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:49 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Why did you deviate from the indicated route, south of the Britain-Trinsic bridge?

The troupe left the road (I presume to raid the modified bandit encampment) but, so far as I could discern, did not return to it, or only returned to it some distance further south.

I am curious because I had a character waiting at the bend, with a pack full of tankards and ale: I had thought Smith might be thirsty!

If something of the kind is done again, I suppose I will have to make a formal arrangement with you.


Re: Lola FitzOwens's Special Delivery 12/13/15 @ 11:30am EST

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:18 pm
by fox_phyre
Sir Eric Kain was kidnapped while we were assaulting the Brigand Fort. His Lieutenant Adrien brought us news of his kidnapping by Captain Mack, the Bearded Beast of Minoc and we had to rush to his rescue at the pirate barge waiting next to Castle Shadowmire. If this had not occurred, we would have continued along the planned route to the south.

Re: Lola FitzOwens's Special Delivery 12/13/15 @ 11:30am EST

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:33 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
I see.

So, you guys missed out on free beer and got, instead, Sir Eric Kain (back) ...

I'm sorry, now, that I mentioned this: I bet some of you folks feel cheated (I'm sure Smith does: he has a reputation for liking his suds).