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Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:00 am
by Emperor
this is not the first, or even second time I've heard this.....maybe there's something to it ;)

But I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars. I tend to side with a different Empire.

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:52 am
by Brules
SighelmofWyrmgard wrote:
Emperor wrote:
Capitalist wrote:
Brules wrote:$$$ New player housing is available if you are still in need. PM me if you are interested.
I got him, he's good.
This. Sorry, meant to update this thread but work has kept me occupied the last day and a half. Thanks again to everyone who offered up help and advice.
"Always two there are, no more, no less: a Master, and an Apprentice" ...




Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:14 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Emperor wrote:this is not the first, or even second time I've heard this.....maybe there's something to it ;)

But I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars. I tend to side with a different Empire.
Hmmmm, one legion of feebleminded, servile clones disparages another ...
Seeing virtue in idiocy is the prerogative of the young.

I hear the song of the celestial heavens, and the music is cacophonous. It is strange, but I find comfort in its dissonance. Righting the discord of the universal opus is what has given my people purpose when, by all rights, we as a race should have collapsed in upon ourselves. It is in such moments when species find their greatness or settle back into the muck that spawned them... For myself I have purpose if only to correct one particular stray note in a symphony run amok. Win or lose, this battle is already my victory, my triumph. It is now only fate which decides whether I am there to celebrate that fact or not.

All those that oppose the Eldar shall fear my wrath!

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:44 pm
by Emperor



someone doesn't know their 40K :) And its not brainwashed, its indoctrination. Plus their motives are far more benevolent.

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:55 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
The stars themselves once lived and died at our command, yet you still dare to oppose our will.

We bring only death, and leave only carrion. It is a message even a Human can understand.

The time for using the knife to remove this cancer is long gone. Bring forth the torch.

I never said, brainwashed: I said, feebleminded; on the note of brainwashed, however, the brainwashed invariably refer to themselves as, indoctrinated; it is merely a pedantic splitting of semantic hairs!

Regarding clones, it seems that at least one Adeptus Astartes has forgotten the significance of his own gene-seed ...

Your Emperor is an illusion, human: I cannot blaspheme against something that isn’t divine.
lol, this is fun; silly, but fun.


Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:34 pm
by Emperor
Astartes gene-seed is derived from their Primarchs in almost all cases. ALMOST all.

The Ecclesiarch would disagree with your heresy. But I don't think anyone would take seriously a quote coming from an over-effeminate beta-elf wannabe.

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:12 am
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Emperor wrote:Astartes gene-seed is derived from their Primarchs in almost all cases. ALMOST all.
There can be no Astartes without gene-seed: entire Chapters ceased to exist because their gene-seed was destroyed.
Emperor wrote:The Ecclesiarch would disagree with your heresy. But I don't think anyone would take seriously a quote coming from an over-effeminate beta-elf wannabe.
I wasn't aware that it was possible for any female to be "over-effeminate": I suppose anything less than 100% testosterone in each-and-every-aspect of existence would be confusing to the occupants of an Astartes Barracks or, reportedly, a Turkish Bath House ... Personally, I don't mind having a woman or two around, especially in the "barracks".

Beta-elf? I quote Dawn of War and you reply with, what; Animal Jam? (I am admittedly not as familiar with the over-effeminate as some, and I had to look-up "beta-elf": first page results were all references to something called, "Animal Jam" except for one link to a pic from LoTRO's Shadows of Angmar beta; my browser's search-engine must be less effeminate than some ...)

They shall come, expecting the obvious, the simple, the artless. They shall stab at the shadows with confused minds and troubled hearts. Meanwhile, we shall appear unseen from ten directions, and from every one strike a fatal blow.

We are like echoes in a cave, or waves upon the water: performing our part every time we are called. We who have glimpsed into the flow of time see that it is exactly such vast confluence, paths crossed and re-crossed. All are swept along. And we Eldar, masters of hindsight, insight, and foresight are bound that much more tightly to our duty than the ignorant, the belligerent, the blind.

When one truly understands fate as it is, myriad branching paths, then one can truly see that duty is cleaving to a particular fate, and glory is the accomplishment of duty’s ends. When we are true to the nature of the Eldar, we cannot fail.
But, by all means, do not "take it" from me: rather, harken to the words one of your very own Inquisitors, a fellow named Czevak,
The mind of the Farseer is utterly inhuman in its depth and complexity. Without mercy or moral feeling, his consciousness stands upon the edge of spiritual destruction. That he does not fall must be a result of constraints and balances that only an Eldar could understand. To a mere Human it is yet another reminder that we are but children in comparison to that ancient and powerful race.

Ask not the Eldar a question, for they will give you three answers, all of which are true and terrifying to know.

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:18 am
by Emperor
THIS Czevak?
Imperial authorities regard him at best as a Renegade in possession of dangerous but valuable knowledge, and at worst as a Heretic and Traitor liable to be summarily executed.
Yeah, he sounds credible. Heresy.

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:43 am
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Imperial authorities regard him at best as a Renegade in possession of dangerous but valuable knowledge, and at worst as a Heretic and Traitor liable to be summarily executed.
Well, which is it?

You present a statement declaring two contradictory things at the same time, while claiming that statement as evidence ...

If the "God-Emperor", and all of His counsellors and officers, can't provide a disposition on the credibility of this Imperial servitor, how could any lowly Adeptus?


Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:50 am
by Emperor
No, they both say the same thing. At best, he's rogue. At worst, he's rogue AND working against the Imperium. Either way, he's got a burn notice. Pretty straightforward I feel. The God-Emperor does not directly involve himself in the day to day actions of the Ecclesiarchy. Hence the Golden Throne/Keeping body on life support. The problem is, youre using a quote to support your assertion regarding the Imperium of Man from a person who no longer is seen as having the best interests of the Empire at heart. Therefore, his stance, and the quote you use, hold no credibility.

Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:42 am
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Emperor wrote:No, they both say the same thing.
No, they do not:
Imperial authorities regard him at best as a Renegade in possession of dangerous but valuable knowledge, and at worst as a Heretic and Traitor liable to be summarily executed.
In exactly the same fashion,
Emperor wrote:At best, he's rogue [in possession of critically-essential knowledge].
(if you choose to paraphrase when you intend to misrepresent the meaning of something by the omission of qualifying details, I also choose to paraphrase when I re-insert those qualifying details).
Emperor wrote:At worst, he's rogue AND working against the Imperium.

The yellow does not say the same thing as the red: singularly and collectively, both, the words in each clause are, indeed, different, and communicate different meanings; the declaration is false.

Interestingly, the gold position is justified by qualification, while the red proposition completely lacks any qualification, whatsoever: categorically, which is likely more-credible; the qualified or the unqualified?
Emperor wrote:Either way ....
What? What "either"? Supposedly, if "both say the same thing", there can be no "either".

Please attempt to compose an argument that does not contradict itself: particularly when presenting an argument intended to establish some measure of credibility, self-contradiction and/or internal grammatical inconsistencies belie the enterprise (hint: there is nothing wrong with your usage of grammar; the grammatical inconsistency directly reflects the irreconcilability of the argument).

Thus, alas!, my earlier question stands unanswered, and also un-rebutted.


Re: Old player returning to the game, could use a hand

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:43 am
by Drunk'n Disorder
And I thought being into UO was nerdy...