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Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:37 pm
by Faust
The tera keep mare spawn was implemented during the spawn changes that were brought about during UOR. The only spot that I recall for certain was Oasis during t2a.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:22 pm
by Teh LawL Firm
Faust wrote:The tera keep mare spawn was implemented during the spawn changes that were brought about during UOR. The only spot that I recall for certain was Oasis during t2a.

oh maybe ur right, cause thats when they had mares spawn in terra keep in trammel too

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 3:24 pm
by Faust
Affirmative, UOR had some decent spawn changes that brought up new hot spots such as Despise mad mage isle that was changed to two Ogre Lords.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:13 am
by Robbbb
Ya this is ridiculous...these things should be spawning in my castle CY!!

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:04 am
by Wulver
Teh LawL Firm wrote:I played On Catskills and there used to be a Mare Spawn in Terra Keep, Where all the Avengers/Warriors etc are in the green swamp. I remember because Pvp was a blast there, people would pull mare to the pool in the next room tele port in the pool and tame and people would cast evs in there and kill everyone. Tbh I think that was the only mare spawn on the server, But that would be an awesome spot to put one, would be alot of pvp going there.
I also played on Catskills and would tame the Mare down there quite a bit. I wish this spawn was thrown in and the others removed, I played with my gm tamer from early 1999 and had never tamed a mare until the spawn changed to the Terra Keep location. Not only did it give people the ability to finally tame them again, it was much more challenging and you would have multiple guilds in there fighting over it. I believe I was the first to tame it solo and it was a heart pounding experience. It isn't era specific but it was one of the best changes they did before they flushed it all down the toilet.

My favorite changes after T2A was:
1. Nightmare spawn change - way more fun, you won't get that kind of fun looking for blocked mares the way it is.
2. Factions - some hate this but it kept me interested for a few months longer.
3. Housing unlock - late nights (because server crashes) and a lot of murder counts over housing plots.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:08 pm
by Light Shade
Whereas I would say a definite 'no' on the Terathan Keep Spawn, it would be nice to see some of the other spawn locations. Being that they were most likely different from shard to shard, as Derrick suggested, does allow some leeway in the spawn locations. As it is now, people just camp them because 2 of the 3 spots are such small areas.

If Derrick added in the other spots of people's memories, barring the spots that we know to be false (Terathan Keep), it'd just spread out the nighmare spawns and stop the AFK camping of them.

I'm all for making the Nightmare Spawns less AFK'able while staying under the Era-Accuracy umbrella. :D

Let's get back to actually playing the game again. :)

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:11 pm
by Groucho
Stranger wrote:Im pretty sure right now 90% of the mares are being collected by 2 or 3 people. I know I myself used to be a mare hoarded, and had unbelievable masses of mares last time I played here. Lost interest in it but I put in a ton of work for those mares, as im sure whoever is hoarding them now is doing. Personally, I would like to see them random spawn in t2a, and be a lot rarer. Like, 1/day ish.
It is still the case... . The problem is to give a chance to anyone to find them rather than to let some ppl who have understood more than others the spawning system.

Even me who is trying to get into that system, as they call it, is having a hard time going in time while having a ghost at oasis in most of time when i do not move it to valley, the only place that you can really ghost with the cyclop valley.

They either know when to go hide there and when they do not do it, guess who appear 15 seconds after the spawn to begin taming the mare..... this for the oasis and cyclop valley. They really have an accurate knowledge of the hours of spawn and have a permanent eye at the journal for hours while playing or doing something else. When you open the journal, in the game, you can see everything that happen, is said or appear in your visible area. you just position your windows to always be able to see it (the journal).

One of the problem too is that they can, as we can too, use the 3 account to so called "ghost the place". In fact, 1 or 2 to ghost, and one another to come and tame, what give them an advantage over most of the tamers if they know well the spawn system and its delays. i would say legal as they told me it was a lot of observations to know those exact timing and appearance of other critters around.

Yet the question still remain: how can they be so good at being quick each time when they are doing something else,even in the game. I think that they just wait to tame mares and that it is their playstyle as tamers. :mrgreen:

The paranoïd idea: One thing to know, when you open the ingame journal, this is written in a file, into the ultima online folder game. And it have a name: journal.log. you can edit it with the notepad. Easy for any coder to make a little program that do not interfere with the connection to internet but give a sound or make the active window blink when it is written in it a single word: -> a nightmare <-. :P excessive but if i was able to code anything, i would have the idea to try it. and not sure that someone would know i have it running while it would run only on my computer.

The good question: Who keep an eye constantly on a window to see if a word appear, considering that the journal may be open and the window not hidden? a lynx... and in the actual state of the things, i can presume they are, with the right rapidity to react and go on the spawn position.

What i think of it: To be good at arriving at a spawn so many times at the so right time just reading the journal, whoever it is in a guild, is just awesome and perfectly legal, especially with the right macro set to use the right runes arriving at a position, with the tame skill ready with its target.

just knowing when to connect and play some to go there? ok :-). I just so have to understand the spawning time, when it occur, and then be ready to connect or recall.

Solutions to that would be good for everybody to be able to:
-increase ammount of spawn.
-Change them randomly, keeping 3 zones only at all time.
-change only one zone to be random, keeping valley and oasis as they are.

-... or simply become better at seeing the nightmare to appear in the window on a separate screen, or a window that let you watch at that so called journal.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:26 pm
by GleepGlop
The paranoïd idea: One thing to know, when you open the ingame journal, this is written in a file, into the ultima online folder game. And it have a name: journal.log. you can edit it with the notepad. Easy for any coder to make a little program that do not interfere with the connection to internet but give a sound or make the active window blink when it is written in it a single word: -> a nightmare <-. :P excessive but if i was able to code anything, i would have the idea to try it. and not sure that someone would know i have it running while it would run only on my computer.
Not sure if you're aware but Razor sees what's in your journal and you can make macros to do pretty much anything off of the "you see: XXX" that appears in your journal as it happens. Most vets here could finagle a way to completely automate everything based of of that appearing in your journal when the mare spawns/comes into view or other ways which are unknown to the average computer user.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:57 pm
by Whitley
Groucho wrote:Yet the question still remain: how can they be so good at being quick each time when they are doing something else,even in the game.
This, and a load of conspiracy theories from the guy that just tamed a mare 2 hours ago. Amazing what more work and less whining accomplishes.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:24 am
by Groucho
Whitley wrote:
Groucho wrote:Yet the question still remain: how can they be so good at being quick each time when they are doing something else,even in the game.
This, and a load of conspiracy theories from the guy that just tamed a mare 2 hours ago. Amazing what more work and less whining accomplishes.
I died like a shit instead :D! damn FS!!! ... :mrgreen: and i wrotte this before to think getting it!

GleepGlop wrote:Not sure if you're aware but Razor sees what's in your journal and you can make macros to do pretty much anything off of the "you see: XXX" that appears in your journal as it happens. Most vets here could finagle a way to completely automate everything based of of that appearing in your journal when the mare spawns/comes into view or other ways which are unknown to the average computer user.
yes, someone told me that after having read the post. i thought razor was more like based on actions taken, not about everything in the journal..... still trying to figure out how to get something of it, even i do not see how.

As we all may say: everyday is a learning of something. writting my precedent post made me know some things from those who answered. ;-)

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:51 am
by Fireball
Omnicron wrote:I remember the spawn blocking as well. As soon as you take the mare out of t2a another would spawn. This did not last very long. I would rather keep the currant system than have one person owning them all.
Yes I remember this well. Pretty much as soon as you took one off the server another would spawn. The one I used most was the Terrathan Keep swamp (marked F on that map someone linked to).

There was also one far East from Delucia and North North East of Delucia in a place we called "Italy Boot" because there is a raised part shaped much like Italy. A mare spawned at the foot end.

For a shard marketing itself as the most era accurate server available it is quite disappointing that so many of the spawns are missing. Nightmares were not this hard to find in OSI and we didn't have a handful of people owning all the nightmares on the server!

Surely this is not hard to correct? I can understand things which take a lot of man-hours to create being put on the back-burner, but this is just adding a few spawn points.

In the 6 months or so that I have been playing UOSA, I have only ONCE seen a nightmare in the wild (East f Delucia). And that is just not right.

Please get this sorted out. It really is a very easy fix.


Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:12 pm
by Kaivan
The few locations that we have mare spawns at are backed up by era sources. Without reliable documentation, we cannot add in more spawn locations for nightmares.

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:29 pm
by Afroshacks
Fireball wrote:
Omnicron wrote:I remember the spawn blocking as well. As soon as you take the mare out of t2a another would spawn. This did not last very long. I would rather keep the currant system than have one person owning them all.
Yes I remember this well. Pretty much as soon as you took one off the server another would spawn. The one I used most was the Terrathan Keep swamp (marked F on that map someone linked to).

There was also one far East from Delucia and North North East of Delucia in a place we called "Italy Boot" because there is a raised part shaped much like Italy. A mare spawned at the foot end.

For a shard marketing itself as the most era accurate server available it is quite disappointing that so many of the spawns are missing. Nightmares were not this hard to find in OSI and we didn't have a handful of people owning all the nightmares on the server!

Surely this is not hard to correct? I can understand things which take a lot of man-hours to create being put on the back-burner, but this is just adding a few spawn points.

In the 6 months or so that I have been playing UOSA, I have only ONCE seen a nightmare in the wild (East f Delucia). And that is just not right.

Please get this sorted out. It really is a very easy fix.

Don't feel bad. :oops:

I'm embarrassed to say that I've been back playing now for a year my tamers been gm for months now and I've actively looked for mares in the spots being claimed here and haven't seen 1. Not 1 single mare. I know they're out there because I see them being sold and rode by other tamers but finding where they are is like trying to get info out of the CIA...... :evil:

Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:10 am
by Fireball
Afroshacks wrote: I'm embarrassed to say that I've been back playing now for a year my tamers been gm for months now and I've actively looked for mares in the spots being claimed here and haven't seen 1. Not 1 single mare. I know they're out there because I see them being sold and rode by other tamers but finding where they are is like trying to get info out of the CIA...... :evil:
I may have to start ghosting the ghosters :)

I think it is sad that a group of greedy players should hog the spawn for themselves rather than allowing other tamers to enjoy the experience of owning a nightmare. What are they doing with them? Just filling up the stables?

On Siege Perilous it was quite easy to fix problems like this :) Not that a Nightmare problem existed there as there were far more spawn locations.


Re: Mare Spawns,

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:26 am
by matchstick
Fireball wrote:
Afroshacks wrote: I think it is sad that a group of greedy players should hog the spawn for themselves rather than allowing other tamers to enjoy the experience of owning a nightmare. What are they doing with them? Just filling up the stables?

I put them in the stables until someone wants to buy it. If you are interested let me know, I am more than willing to share.

Why should a group that's spent countless hours monitoring and tracking the spawn be penalized because you want a freebie? Put the time an the effort in and you'll be rewarded too!

I haven't ever seen the horse dung spawn. Someone has a timer and wont stop picking it up so I can find it. wahhhhhhhhhhh