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Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:32 pm
by Nidaic
Johnnylittle wrote:
Nidaic wrote:Is it just me, or have the Blood'Chok begun constructing ramparts to thwart the impending reclamation!
someone's scared!
Hohoho, I welcome a real playfield where the Bloodchok will be active...
In truth it has been saddening that they have not rebuilt their furt, I used to do daily patrols through there, giving bags of gems for duels with the URK.
I was simply trying to extend the RPness of the event =-)
When you guys gunna rebuild ur furt?!?!

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:34 pm
by Nidaic
Sultan of Swing wrote:
Nidaic wrote:Is it just me, or have the Blood'Chok begun constructing ramparts to thwart the impending reclamation!
Im sure there will be other ways into the fort ;)
Are we going to be teleporting off your tower onto the porticiles? =-D

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:48 pm
by Pirul
Nidaic wrote:When you guys gunna rebuild ur furt?!?!

Many lives where lost destroying that fort to let it come back!! We shall once again defeat the URK and rid this land of such plague!!!

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:13 pm
by Nidaic
Pirul wrote:
Nidaic wrote:When you guys gunna rebuild ur furt?!?!

Many lives where lost destroying that fort to let it come back!! We shall once again defeat the URK and rid this land of such plague!!!
Time to relocate the URK compound then! next Vesper should be "reclaimed"....

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:12 pm
by Drunk Monk
Other than taking on the entire server (that worked out well, huh) one of the main goals was to have our fort destroyed so we can get a new one. Ronk was working with Derrick and had one up on test, it looked pretty sweet. But alas most orcs went to sleep and it was never finished...

While on that subject I would like to thank everyone who showed that night. It was one of the most epic quests I have ever seen in UO.

NOOGGRRAAAHH!!! :twisted:

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:11 pm
by Nidaic
Dey better be waking up to night to defend the Krothuuland!!! ( and stay awake, there's NO rp pvp on this server besides bard slayers.... can't a dexxer get a dex fight once in a while?!?)

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:49 am
by Zelek Uther
Great event! Thanks Yoda, thanks Urk!

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:51 am
by Arsen
yea that event was awsome. i was the first person who died i think, i hided infront the town gate on sup pe and went afk for 10sec (not good) hehe. but i got ressed within a half min and lost nothing, good team work thanks guys!

to bad i missed yoda again, he was the first staff member i had contact with on this shard "when we still had bagball and such". well maybe next time :D

great time ty!

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:17 pm
by mrbojangles
Great time, thanks staff.

At first a thought it was going to be a cakewalk, just a few orcs and their lords that needed provoking. Wrong I was, the dragons managed to drop my bard twice, despite my full attention. And then I brought in my tamer when that ettin boss guy spawned at the end, needless to say he made short-work of my dragon, and left it and me dead very quickly.

Good times. I'd love to see these type of events happen more often.

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:03 pm
by Lack
agreed was a fun time, would like to see more of these. Maybe next time I can not be the only pk who attends? just saying was little bit one sided but I had fun and made out well thanks all and yoda!

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:04 pm
by Blaise
Arsen, you deserved to die first. I walked up and said hello a few times and you totally snubbed me.

Jerkface :P

Event was totally sweet and I'm glad I made it out with everyone.
I had auto-cap on death for screenshots so hopefully I got a ton of pics. I'll sift through them tonight perhaps and get some posted.

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:37 am
by Thigog
Sadly only 6 of us made it to defend Krothuland.

It was a surprise we lasted so long. Ne'rull lasted over 30 minutes before he was taken down.

He was blue so only oranges could attack him.

Krothu lasted almost as long as a red.

I was Vilgak on dial up. Was pretty useless even crashed once and came back alive thanks to cross healing orcs.

Hope you had fun killing us and the server made spawn

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:00 am
by Arsen
BlaiseDad wrote:Arsen, you deserved to die first. I walked up and said hello a few times and you totally snubbed me.

Jerkface :P
hey i cant talk while afk lol

ps: my trophy was lewt from like 20 dif ppl at the end lawl

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:39 pm
by random guy
That was one of the Best Battles Ive ever been in. Thanks to all the "Ummies" that came out and fought us...."Ee Habbin Grog Wit Belok Jat" :mrgreen:

Re: Taking back Cove

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:36 am
by BlackFoot
pics or it didnt happen