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Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:59 pm
by dren
noxmonk, where do you get your facts from? stop trolling the forums and go troll irc.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:22 pm
by noxmonk
dren wrote:noxmonk, where do you get your facts from? stop trolling the forums and go troll irc.

Well, if you measure potential by using a simple formula. Assume each person has a mean value of contribution to the shard and let that value be 0.2. Then, if a person is in a guild we have strength in numbers and as evolution shows, it is not survival of the fittest alone, but learning to create bonds within your given species. Associating this with a guild we'll say that the mean value potential of guilded members is 0.35. Realistically the larger the guild the greater this number should be, but we wont' get into creating a logarithmic function to try and describe this.

So, we now have our per player and per guilded player values. Next, let us state that each person with a mean value of 0.2 is capable of running an event, dungeon crawl, or other shard activity once every 5 months. Also we can allow "helping" of an event to remain the same value of the event itself as long as the help is significant. Given these values, a persons total potential contribution would be about 2.4 per year. Unfortunately without parsing a lot of data and doing too much work we can't account for size of the event. If you host 1 event per year but give away 2mil gold you should obviously have a higher actual contribution, but that's too involved to do quickly.

So, using a rather barbaric and simple metric, where does your guild land? You have 173 members, 57.7 after account for 1 toon on the stone per account, each person having 3 accounts. Of that 57 let's say half are actually playing more than 20 hours per month and are singular people. We'll round down to make it easy and say a total of 28.

28 people at 0.35 per person gives us: 9.8, rounding down again 9. 9 is the potential per month. This is absurd though who would run 9 events per month? That's asking too much. So, to break up the time of planning for an event as that is often longest and let's say that the stress of planning takes this number down by a factor of 10. Being generous again.

Your monthly potential contribution giving these very generous metrics is: 0.9
Your yearly guild potential contribution would be: 10.8, or 10.

These are incredibly generous and I think I've understated a lot of potential in this extremely rough math. There are people who claim to make 40k farming per hour and would obviously have a much higher potential. There are a lot of variants in here that go unaccounted for and this is by no means a scientifically accurate representation. However, I feel that the estimates are well formulated, if even not overly repressed in the actual value of players and guilds to contribute.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:52 pm
by dren
Cool story bro.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:11 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
We all play here, and even should the guild fall perhaps the landmarks should not...maybe it can be part of a unique interguild player made town instead of just belonging to K^A?

A new crossroads so to speak. I mean if anything YewGate market area should be something similar.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:20 pm
by Landcaster
Hi Ben,

I just thought I would respond really quick. First reason I have not responded to your posts is simply because I have felt you have been more ranting then actually making an opinion as you stated you were. No offense intended but when you make a comment like
BenBrawl wrote: Long live WL, K^A can burn has it has for years!
then that comments to me does not show an objective view but more a jaded view. I do not mean any offense but it has just seemed like a lot of banter and raving back and forth from both sides, and I would prefer to stay out of it.

You did make a point towards me and as others have agreed it is a valid point. On that note you made a point about town activity and it being a "ghost town." I am confused if there is one point or two in this one, but will address both. If people are looking for decorations in town buildings, I actually think that is a could be considered a valid point myself and one we can definately take care of as a guild. However, the point about seeing people mainly macroing I feel is not a reason to not do add ons. If you go to most guild towns here you will find little people in them, even macroing. For the most part people use houses for storage and macroing. If we were just to sit holed up in our town all day and not go out into the rest of the uo world how could we be a part of the community?

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:25 pm
by BenBrawl
lol Landcaster i only said that to get dren all worked up, plus we are Warlords, what do you expect? :oops:

Ill address both your response,

-As for the houses. I think thats my #1 biggest problem. Yes K^A has been around along time. But do you realy want the roads leading to empty houses? As stated before, im not saying to load them up perfectly, but as for the stable, there was a small house stable done in the "celebrating housing deco" thread viewtopic.php?f=11&t=17922&start=15 There are also alot of great easy deco ideas.

-And about the ghost town, with alot of empty houses + empty vendors, it gives the feeling that noone lives/visits there.

True you guys have thrown some events as of latly, but i feel a guild town with add ons for the most part should be decorated nice to not only show off the add ons, but also the guild. If the guild cant decorate their dwellings, why should the staff put in add ons?

and to dren, your correct, on osi gms added town add ons as they seen fit. But you have to remember, atleast on chessy until trammel, If you went to Paxlair there was always people around, events being held, something to do in there. It was like a 24/7 thing. It was RP on steroids.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:19 pm
by Landcaster
Ty for the input Ben. I will bring this up in our next guild meeting and sure we can take care of this issue as it seems you were not the only one to voice this opinion. Take care and hope to see you in game sometime, guess if I ever can handle bank sitting :).

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:27 pm
by BenBrawl
Thanks for being understanding, and mature.

Also if you ever wanna bank sitting lessons, im usually at skara bank lol :D

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:29 pm
by jlf2n
I vote yes. There is simply no reason to vote no that I can see.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:11 pm
by Panthor the Hated
This thread is a joke. Town add-ons are a privilege awarded to few in the game for going above and beyond to make this shard better. It is an enhancement to make what you already do better.

All I've seen in this thread is personal attacks on anyone who dares suggest add-ons are not warranted. I've rarely seen such a strong sense of entitlement on this shard.

Initially I was only opposed to additional add-ons. I don't see any good reason why the add-ons currently in Ascalon shouldn't start decaying. There was a time when K^A hosted multiple weekly events that had good attendance. Many of these were resist sessions. At this time you could goto the K^A vendors at any time and they would be fully stocked. The town was a true asset to the shard, just as the guild was. Now K^A has turned into a guild that mostly griefs people and uses its town so it can lure people into traps and house fight from the castle or other main buildings.

The fact is; it's okay to be busy, it's cool if you can't keep your vendors up, it's chill if you want to house fight, it's righteous to grief people. All of that is part of UO - but I'm not going to vote to reward that behavior with town add-ons. Thats not why they exist.

Okay, so you can't do resist sessions like the old days - you don't get a free pass because a service you used to provide cannot be provided anymore. If thats all your guild could provide the world then I guess you've passed your prime.

There are currently 40 votes against and 38 for. You can see that and assume only haters don't want you to get add-ons or you can look at it and realize you have some work to do before the players of this shard decide to reward you.

I have a feeling you'll assume we're all haters, which is too bad. It's too bad for you and it's too bad for UOSA because we could use more positive player interaction on this shard.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:15 pm
by noxmonk
Panthor the Hated wrote: I have a feeling you'll assume we're all haters, which is too bad. It's too bad for you and it's too bad for UOSA because we could use more positive player interaction on this shard.
I would like to positively interact with you panther.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:54 pm
by TwoTon
This whole thread has seen it all ranting trolling invalid and valid comments

But it has given me the answers i was looking for, so from this moment i will be closing this thread KA and AV will be withdrawing from it.

We will do what is necessary to get the town add ons Which from the looks of it is this:

1: Keep Vendors Stocked
2: Throw More Shard Wide Events
3: Have Less People Represent KA AV (i have chosen Landcaster and Liquid)
4: Make Sure All Houses Are Decorated.

We will Reopen this thread once we feel we have Done something to win the hearts of the public.
Thank you everyone for your input and opinions they have helped pave the road to paved roads :)