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Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:45 am
by eniave
Downs is so right :lol:

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:24 am
by Derrick
Caranthir wrote:So if they were always blessed, regardless of OSI's intentions, shouldn't they be blessed here in line with era accuracy? O.o
Aye, if that was the case, but they were not blessed in this era, they became blessed in error afterwards, but I don't know the details of that.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:40 pm
by Redbeard72
Derrick wrote:
Caranthir wrote:So if they were always blessed, regardless of OSI's intentions, shouldn't they be blessed here in line with era accuracy? O.o
Aye, if that was the case, but they were not blessed in this era, they became blessed in error afterwards, but I don't know the details of that.
On Napa i remember rune books NOT being blessed, They Came out in clean up brit era. I quit after Tram. I used to have an old pic of me with my pack open with a bunch blanks and NO runebook. marking in T2A.< Hince the name of the Shard.

Keep RUnebooks,and NOT blessed !

Best shard ever!!!!

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:44 am
by Franz
are runebooks still stealable? I tried to steal a runebook today and got the message "you cannont steal that!"

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:22 am
by Batlin
are runebooks still stealable? I tried to steal a runebook today and got the message "you cannont steal that!"
They are, indirectly, there were a few changes, you can also read more about it here:

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:19 am
by Psycho
well.. you did have a c.u.b. and runebooks still arnt blesed, do you plan on having anymore c.u.b. events?

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:23 am
by Derrick
On OSI, Runebooks after the CUB were only blessed by those who obtained a Item Bless deed from the CUB, we did not give out item bless deeds in the CUB, but replaced them with Clothing Bless Deeds

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:30 pm
by Stuck
Batlin wrote:
are runebooks still stealable? I tried to steal a runebook today and got the message "you cannont steal that!"
They are, indirectly, there were a few changes, you can also read more about it here:
I was able to directly target and steal a runebook yesterday. I think if a runebook has charges, it weighs a bit to compensate for the recall scrolls that should be in it's place. I think it had 7 charges and weighed 3 stones, so I was able to actually target it and steal it. I don't know if this is era accurate or not.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:17 pm
by Direwolf
I was around during the original T2A and I remember you only had a "hunting" runebook with a few runes in it... main runebooks inthe bank and always make copies in case you die and lose yours

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:43 pm
by Carta
I don't understand why people keep saying things thing "WELL THEY ENDED UP BEING BLESSED LATER ON SO THEY SHOULD BE HERE TOO!"
If I am not mistaken, the point of this shard is to be era accurate.. not era accurate + whatever later updates came along that people think we should have.
If there was a guard that would kill you no matter where you were in the shard ( town or not ) when you said "pickles" during T2A - UO Second Age would have it.. no matter how much it sucked.. or if it was patched in later era's.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:35 pm
by Pac
Carta wrote: If there was a guard that would kill you no matter where you were in the shard ( town or not ) when you said "pickles" during T2A - UO Second Age would have it.. no matter how much it sucked.. or if it was patched in later era's.
I remember that guard, you could kill it if you had enough people. He dropped a special castle deed that could be placed anywhere and would displace any existing houses in its way.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:32 am
by mrredhatter
Both my spell-book and rune-book do not say that they are blessed. A PK took my rune-book today because I assumed that my rune-book was just as blessed as my non-blesses blessed magic-book. If an item is blessed is there any good reason why it doesn't say so? It would eliminate a lot of guess work.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:12 am
by son
mrredhatter wrote:Both my spell-book and rune-book do not say that they are blessed. A PK took my rune-book today because I assumed that my rune-book was just as blessed as my non-blesses blessed magic-book. If an item is blessed is there any good reason why it doesn't say so? It would eliminate a lot of guess work.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:07 am
by Derrick
mrredhatter wrote:Both my spell-book and rune-book do not say that they are blessed. A PK took my rune-book today because I assumed that my rune-book was just as blessed as my non-blesses blessed magic-book. If an item is blessed is there any good reason why it doesn't say so? It would eliminate a lot of guess work.
I'm sorry for this misfortune. Spellbooks did not have the [blessed] tag in era like other items which may have been blessed after the advent of Item Bless Deeds after our timeframe.

Runebooks are not blessed at all, as they were introduced that way in era. It was possible to bless them with an item bless deed, but that came after our target timeframe.

Re: Runebooks will not be blessed

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:41 pm
by GuardianKnight
After 6 pages of back and forth and the wonderful title of this thread. I am going to believe WITHOUT a doubt that runebooks will never ever be blessed!