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Be all you can be, be an ORC!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:04 pm
by Kraarug
The Bloodrock Orcs are recruting again. We are a long running, multi-game guild looking for fresh snagas to help us towards our goals of smashing out the humans of the SecondAge.

Think you can handle a different play style of UO? Give it a try and see if you're up to it.

Step 1: Read the website and learn the rules. If you feel you can adhere to what is expected of an orc, then please continue.

General Information:


Step 2: Pick any skill you like besides magery. Magery is only granted to those blessed by the orcish gods so being a newborn, you won't be blessed yet.

Step 3: Pick a name. This is a very serious step that should get the most attention. If you pick a bad name, we cannot accept you. The name must sound completely orcish and can't be a name already used in the past or too close to a name to be confused with. If you aren't certain what orc names sound like, visit the orc fort in Yew or the Orc Caves and view the names of the npc orcs.

You can also go to this site and review the Tolkien style names, they are generally acceptable. Narrow down your choices to about three.

Then review the orcs we have presently in the guild and make sure no one has a similar name.

Then, to find out if your name is acceptable PM Kraarug, Trugagh or Ne’Rull on IRC.

Skipping these steps may mean your name will be rejected.

Step 4: Orcs differ in appearance from climate and location. Bloodrock orc males are completely bald and females have top-knots. No facial hair of any kind.

Step 5: Skin color should be as in the images below.


Step 6: Start in any town you wish but your goal is to make it to the Bloodrock area. Use the location page to find your way to the encampment. Orcs may or may not be there when you arrive. Some orcs are only ingame when there is an event happening. Others enjoy hanging around the area and raiding human towns even if an event isn't happening. It is completely random chance if you'll meet someone on your first visit. If you do meet other orcs, interact with them and show you are young and wish to learn how to be a better orc. Bloodrock orcs are very friendly to each other and will help you the best they can in adapting to your new life.


Step 7: Register on the Bloodrock forums and make a post saying you wish to join. Be sure to include your ICQ number or some other way to contact you. You can also meet with us in game to find out how to join. Feel free to talk to us about it, we like recruits.

Re: Be all you can be, be an ORC!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:43 pm
by Vishakt
Sign up now and receive $0 towards your college fund!

Seriously. Do it.