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Return of the Savages?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:43 pm
by Evocah
Hail All,

I am posting because I have recently returned to UOSA (something came up forcing me to stop playing for awhile and then I went travelling for a few months so I could not play, apologies for my absence).

With my return I am keen to again try to create a Savage community on UOSA and I am looking for other people who are sick of spending hours macroing or farming, that want to help me do this. For info on what it is to be Savage have a look at our website

I am also looking for suggestions on how best to make such a community function. From the last attempt some obstacles I identified were:

1. Not enough people playing!
It does get a little boring running around the jungle as a solo Savage, but mainly the problem is that since Savages to not use gold we require players with certain skills ei. blacksmithy, tinkering, bowcraft, in order to provide essential items.

2. Nowhere to store resources
The idea is that Savages can share resources we gather and crafted items. I wanted to encourage a sharing system where if someone takes something from the guilds stash they would replace it with something of similar value, eg. If someone took an axe to lumberjack they would replace it with some logs. Then if someone took some logs to make weapons they would then leave some bows for other Savages to use.
However, in the lost lands, unfortunately we were forced to store these items in the bank because a house could not be placed and therefore it was more difficult to share items as a guild, and there was less of a sense of unity.

This time, to address the first problem. I want to try to gather enthusiastic people that are interested in joining me as a Savage before entering the lost lands. Once I have 10 or so keen Savages, will we enter T2A together, asigning different skills that will allow us to function effectively, and hopefully establishing an active player base. Before I can find 10 or so people I hope that those interested can become involved in helping generate ideas on how a Savage community can best function.

As for the second problem, i think that it is reasonable to place a house near one of the entrances to the lost lands which we can use as a communal storage place for craftable items and resources, as well as providing add-ons such as forge and anvil, spinning wheel and loom. Also this way, Savages are not forced to enter towns.

I'm interesting in hearing any feedback and suggestions on how this project can be realised.

If I cannot find enough interested people I will sadly give up on my attempts. Although I really think that through the Savage playstyle many people can experience again what they loved about playing UO:t2a, and we can bring a new aspect to the shard (we all love) with a new RP race!

Looking forward to hearing from you all,
