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Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:44 am
by dexter4321
Strength - All you need to do here is camping. And you can set it up so you don't even have to really do a thing. Buy two pack horses, grab an axe, go to the woods east of East Brit Bank. (the woods south of Minoc work well to) Chop until you have 2000 logs. Take the logs to your house, or leave them in your bank.

Record a macro -

Double click dagger
click logs
select the kindling option
pause delay 8000ms (8 seconds)

(If you have the logs in your bank you can set up some restock action going on if you want to, and get the kindlings in the bank as well, I am not that great with restocking and macros so I am sure someone else could explain that further.)

Once you have all the kindlings here is the fun part. Record your next macro -

Double click kindling
Pause delay 500ms (.5 seconds)

Then just sit back relax and before you know it you'll have 100 strength.

Dex - Snooping

Open up someones paperdoll, an alt of yours is probably best.

Record macro -

Double click their backpack
Pause delay 500ms(1.5 seconds)

Int - Now if you are a mage and want the 100 int. What I do is if you plan on having eval intelligence, I always start off and GM this first. This way you can get it out of the way and pick up some extra int gains along the way. Other than that it's all gained through the magery macroing, so just macro magery and don't even worry about it.

Also if you plan on making like a medi dexxer or something like that, just go ahead and start your character with however much int you want, you can leave the dex and str low they are the easiest to gain.

Also as everyone knows camping will raise all the stats. In my experience the order in which you gain the stats from the most goes as followed:

1. Dex
2. Str
3. Int

But also with the strength I mean 2000 kindlings should be more than enough for you to easily get 100 strength. I see so many people herding in towns for strength and this method is a LOT quicker. Might save you a lot of time. But if for some reason this does not get you to 100 strength just start your combat training to finish it off. If you are not doing any combat training just go chop some more won't take long at all.

Also one more scenario I thought of. Say you already have your template made but you want to gain some more int say if you are a dexxer or medi dexxer. I would just do camping the same way I recommended you gain str.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:30 am
by Dagon
herding for STR is so much faster, and easier.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:27 am
by dexter4321
I don't know the last time I tried to do herding it didn't seem to get anywhere to fast like it use to. Just giving out an alternative is all. Plus the camping method kind of gives you some certainty with getting the strength.

The camping for strength is at least three times faster than doing herding. You should try it sometime.

As for easier? There's nothing to hard about getting some logs, turning them into kindlings, then making a macro to use up all the kindlings. If you wanna go buy a herding staff, go sit in stables where you can get bombed or someone mess with the animals, and sit there for however long it takes, be my guest.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:46 am
by Mikel123
dexter4321 wrote:I don't know the last time I tried to do herding it didn't seem to get anywhere to fast like it use to. Just giving out an alternative is all. Plus the camping method kind of gives you some certainty with getting the strength.

The camping for strength is at least three times faster than doing herding. You should try it sometime.

As for easier? There's nothing to hard about getting some logs, turning them into kindlings, then making a macro to use up all the kindlings. If you wanna go buy a herding staff, go sit in stables where you can get bombed or someone mess with the animals, and sit there for however long it takes, be my guest.
I know you've never been wrong ever, but chopping 2000 logs is quite time consuming, even if you buy lumberjacking to 30 or whatever. And it's manual.

Buy a shepherd's crook and set up a macro and go out to dinner and when you come back you'll be 100 STR.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:31 pm
by dexter4321
Alright I went out and tried both to try and compare. Here's the breakdown.

As far as macroing herding versus doing camping with the kindlings camping gives you strength a lot quicker. This is saying without you having to chop wood.

I don't know herding could be faster if you have to chop the wood and what not.

But I guess bottom line would be that if your established, buy the boards, turn them into kindlings, and do the camping method will get you 100 strength a lot faster. But yeah if you don't have the gold to buy the boards or have a house to do it in then yeah I would probably say just do herding.

Camping is twice as fast as herding though. Just with camping you need some resources. So if I was new here and was my first char I would go ahead and do herding. But from here on out I only use camping for strength since I can easily buy the boards and turn them into kindlings. Put all the kindlings on the floor and just macro it up and I got 100 str before I know it.

When I make a new char now I don't want to wait around for the simple stat gains. I wanna get it done quickly so I can move on to the real skill gain macroing. The camping method offers a shortcut so you don't have to wait around for hours. I mean yeah takes a bit more attention to attend to it but once it's over you can move on to the real macroing which you leave afk over night.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:34 pm
by son
Skill cap char, all skills up (herding or camping at 0)

camp and or herd. Fix stats in < 1h. No seesaw required.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:00 am
by Sargo
Using the campfire trick will work but remember, that most likely you will gain approx. 20 str point just from harvesting the wood in the first place, and that may take you an hour to get 2000 logs. So realistically, consider it taking 2 hours total.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:45 am
by archaicsubrosa77
I say go with camping in this manner for at least some of the way, it raises all stats very quickly. Most new players should have a lumberjack bowcrafter to begin with for resource money in my opinion anyway. You can polish your stats off later with skills specifically geared around the stats you want to raise. Camping just gives you the quick boost right off.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:50 am
by Sandro
son wrote:Skill cap char, all skills up (herding or camping at 0)

camp and or herd. Fix stats in < 1h. No seesaw required.
Thanks for verifying this still works. Was hesitant to see-saw, thought this method had been removed. 8)

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:42 pm
by loota kryss
For a new guy like myself, i found herding to be a better option. I wasn't too concerned about time but rather ease of accomplishment. I feel that herding went up fast enough that I wouldnt look for another option and can be done with the simple purchase of 1 item.


Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:48 pm
by nightshark
Herding all the way.. if you're already established, why do you care if it takes a few hours of macroing on a rabbit? It's completely non-manual, you save time by NOT having to sit at the keyboard chopping wood. You probably already have a few other characters to play anyway, so do yourself a favour and farm or something in the meantime.

And why is everyone so dumb when it comes to finding places to macro in town? Yes, if you goto the stable in brit and expect noone to fuck with your herding macro, you are retarded. If you go to any other city and find a mostly unused, out of the way building, noone will ever screw with your macro.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:16 pm
by Lazarus
I did a combination of things to gather stats. Camping/lumberjacking for my 1st char, then lumberjacking only for my others (except my smith). For dex snooping. For int I GM eval int and the rest I got from cooking.

Re: Guide: Easy Stat Gains

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:30 pm
by Bag
herding/spirit speak @ skill cap will get your stats exactly where you want them in a matter of hours.