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Hi, just wondering...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:02 am
by Jamboree
Well starting on this shard, and just wondering if there's any place for solo player? Is there some 10 people group that gank constantly? Just curious to know if it's worth the shot. :oops: :arrow:

Re: Hi, just wondering...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:07 am
by Mikel123
I've made my existence on this shard as a solo player. There's definitely gank squads out there (more like 4 to 6 people) but if you're prepared, they will fail 90% of the time or more. But it's easy to make it as a solo player. You'll have your setbacks but it's worth it.

Best advice you can get is to spend the time to be prepared. I spent a month hunting liches when I was new, double-clicking on my Recall spell icon whenever I saw trouble. But that's time consuming; if you set a hotkey for Recall, you can do it much faster. I probably died 5 times that month - deaths that would have been completely avoided had I spent 10 seconds to set a Recall hotkey.

Still bugs me today. I nabbed a Vanq Spear today on my thief, but was poisoned as I ran away and hid. I didn't have any orange potions on me, because when I was stocking him up I figured I die a lot and what's the use. But if I had 1 orange potion, I would have gotten away with a nice spear.

Re: Hi, just wondering...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:01 pm
by Jamboree
Playerbase +1.

And lol I already love this shard if it's only 4 to 6 people gank squad :lol: